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There were clothes everywhere. Actually clothes all over her bedroom, and Meredith wasn't even sure they were all hers. There was no way all of these clothes were hers. She didn't actually have this many clothes, and if she did, she was going to have some big problems fitting them all into the trailer. This many clothes barely fit into her closet and dresser, there was no way it would fit in Derek's trailer. This was probably why it would have been a good idea to wait a few months till the house was done before moving in with him. Some voice in her head knew that waiting to move in made more sense except he had asked and everything had sounded so good that she couldn't imagine not moving in with him right now. She was going to live in his tiny trailer with him.

When she had blurted it to him a week ago, she had figured he was going to be pissed. His eyes had gotten all wide and scared and she had pretty much assumed this was it. And when he hadn't really brought it up again until two days ago, she just figured Derek had changed his mind. Except he hadn't. He had told her to pack this morning, and then had left her with a promise that he would see her at home. It sounded weird, him meeting her at home sounded weird but kind of perfect. This was good. This was really good. It was actually amazing and Meredith hadn't been sure until pretty recently that Derek would ever be ready for this. They spent every night together and they wore rings and everyone thought they were married, but she hadn't been sure he could do this. But he had said things. He had said things at the wedding about wanting to give her everything and wanting her to tell him things. Right now, she didn't really have anything to tell him. Lexie and Mark were on their honeymoon, and Meredith was pretty sure her sister not being around made the really big things she wanted kind of disappear. So she was happy. And he was doing this with her.

Moving in together was a good step, it was a really good step. And she figured that if Derek had been able to get ready for this step, he could get ready for other things later, much later. Because she had finally gotten another step from him. Or she had until he figured out that she way too many things to fit in their really small trailer that didn't really have a closet. "I have a lot of clothes," she announced to her friends, chewing on her lower lip.

"You do," Izzie sighed. "I don't even think you wear half this stuff."

"It won't fit in the trailer. The house, maybe. But not the trailer."

"Which is why living in a trailer is stupid," Cristina groaned.

"It's not!" Meredith shook her head hard. "It's...amazing. The trailer is amazing."

"It's a trailer."

"It's amazing."

"Are you sure?" Izzie frowned. "I get wanting to live with him but why doesn't he move here until the house is ready?"

"We want to be alone."

"In a trailer," Cristina rolled her eyes.

"Yes, in a trailer."

"I don't get it."

"You don't have to."

"It's not like he's going to want you in it once he sees all this shit," Cristina sighed, picking up a sweater and frowning at it. "I've never even seen this shirt."

"Then...throw it in a trash bag," Meredith nodded firmly. "We'll...throw it away or give it to charity or something."

"Good idea," Izzie nodded. "And you can leave stuff here till the house is ready."

"That's definitely what I need to do," Meredith nodded again. She had enlisted her friends to help when Derek had been forced to go to work to cover for another surgeon. It felt weird without Lexie, but she needed this. She needed her friends to help her.

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