[1] I'll Visit

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          The trio made their way down the street, casually walking and talking. It's been a week or so since they've finally made it back home from Amphibia. They were going on about their future and how different things were going to be.
          "Well, it's not really a big deal." Marcy said in a slightly unsure way. "We could always text or video call or-"
          "Marcy, of course it's a big deal! We've been friends since forever and that means so much." Anne bursted out. The girls stopped walking and all went silent. Anne grabbed Marcy's hand and held it tight between her two hands. "You leaving is going to change a lot. We've been through so much together and even more these last months." Anne then grabbed Sasha's hand too. "I wish we could stay together, the three of us, and I wish we could have done so much more. But even though we will be far apart, we will never not be friends and we will always have each other no matter what." Anne squeezed their hands while the two girls looked at her.
          "Aww, Boonchuy!" Sasha pulled them all together for a hug. Marcy started to tear up and with almost no time she started to bawl.
          "You're right. We will never be apart. Not truly." Marcy barely got out.

. . .

          The sun was going down and it was getting dark in Anne's room. She couldn't bother to turn the lights on. Instead, she stayed lying down face up on her bed in silence, and in the slowly growing darkness. Marcy left. She had to go. Her family had to go because her father got a job opportunity out of state. It sucked. They could always text, or video call, or whatever. Anne knew it just wouldn't be the same.
          Anne rolled to her side. "Maybe me and Sasha could go and visit her sometime. That'd be nice." She thought out loud. "We could catch up on all the things we've done and how different it is. Just like how when we finally reunited back in Amphibia." Anne started to chuckle, but her voice started to crack. She got up and buried her face in her hands. Tears started falling from her cheeks and onto her bed. Anne quietly cried to herself since she didn't want to worry her parents anymore, they'd been through enough stress trying to keep things together.
          A few minutes passed and Anne lay back down onto her bed. She stared at the ceiling and could only think about how different it would be without Marcy. Anne thought back on the conversation they had before Marcy left. Marcy told the other two girls once she was settled in she would video call them as soon as she could.
          "Anne, sweetie! Dinner!" Mrs. Boonchuy called out from downstairs. Anne didn't move at all and stayed in her room.
           "Anne, c'mon! You're food is going to get cold!" Mr. Boonchuy chimed in when there wasn't a response. Still nothing. Anne didn't want to move or do anything. Right now she just wanted to be left alone with her thoughts. A small light shined through a crack in her door. Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy looked inside her room to see what was going on. Anne still didn't react. She didn't want to. They then looked at each other and seemed to be able to communicate without using words. They both agreed and entered their daughter's room.
          "Anne? Are you okay, sweetie?" Mrs. Boonchuy went over to Anne's bed and sat on the side followed by Mr. Boonchuy. Anne's back faced her parents and she didn't say anything. "Anne, it's okay if you want to talk about your friend Marcy. We understand that this must be difficult for you." She rubbed Anne's shoulder, hoping for a response.
          "Mom, please. I just want a little space tonight." Anne said in a very small voice, trying not to cry, but you could still hear the small breaks in her voice. The two parents looked at each other. Mr. Boonchuy shrugged with a worried expression on his face, and with that they both left Anne's room.
          But before they fully closed the door, Mr. Boonchuy said, "Anne, we hope you know we love you so much and we are always here if you want to talk." The door closed, and Anne was back to being alone. She sighed and closed her eyes. Tomorrow I'll meet up with Sasha and we can call Marcy together. Anne thought to herself.
         Sasha. Anne wondered how Sasha was doing. Which house Sasha decided to spend the night. Sasha's parents weren't together anymore, which made it so both of her parents lived in two different households. It must have been hard for her when she finally came back to Earth. How she had to explain what happened to both of them and how they both probably asked her to stay at their house. They probably asked about her scar. The one that I inflicted onto her.
Anne got it the easiest since she was able to get back home before everyone else, so her parents got a chance to process everything. And her parents are very kind and loving anyway so it wasn't too difficult for them to adjust to Anne finally coming home for good.
          Anne kept going through different thoughts about just everything that happened, happening, and will happen; her friends and family; her and her friends' lost powers, and most importantly, her experience with a deity.

I died. I died. I died. I died. I died. I died. I died. I died. I died. I died.

I died. I died. I died. I died. I died. I died. I died. I died. I died. I died. 

          Anne got up and she could feel her heart racing. Her breathing quickened and she started trembling. Sweat started forming on her head and tears followed soon after. Her chest squeezed with a feeling that seemed close to pain. She gripped her shirt and got up.
          She walked over to her dressing table and leaned on it. She looked up at her reflection and noticed something. It was dark in her room and she could barely make out her reflection, but she could easily see her eyes. They almost seemed to be lit up with a small blue hue. She blinked and it was gone. Her eyes were back to normal. She took a step back from the mirror. Her heart started to slow down. Did she see that right? Anne brought her hand up to her face and touched it around her eyes. She blinked again, but nothing seemed to be different. Just her normal eyes.
          Anne went back to her bed and wrapped herself with her blanket. She didn't actually see that. She was just having a small panic attack and it made her see things wrong. It's fine. She's fine. Anne closed her eyes and made an attempt to go to sleep.

I Said Enough // SashanneWhere stories live. Discover now