[7] Burnt Down

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          Anne's vision started to come back. She cracked her eyelids and saw bright and blurry orange colors smeared all over her vision. Smoke filled her lungs and she could barely breath. Her eyes went back to being shut. She could feel her body being lifted from the floor and carried somewhere. The extreme heat that seemed to be eating away at her body was swept away by a gust of cold air. Although, her body still felt hot, it was still a good feeling.
           Anne's eyes cracked open again; she was laid down on something and saw silhouettes looming above her. One placed a mask over her face and air was being pushed through it. Anne could breathe easier with it. She stayed laying down with her eyes closed for awhile. She just listened. People were talking all around her, but she couldn't understand any of it. She made out one voice, though. A female's voice, which sounded familiar. Anne listened closely to that voice. It sounded like someone she knew. Sasha?
           Anne shot up and called out, "Sasha?!" She looked around frantically, trying to find her in the crowd of people, but she wasn't there. Anne mixed the voice for someone else's. When she realized this, her focus shifted onto the house. There were less flames from when she first arrived. The fire fighters came and were working towards putting it out.
          One of the paramedics was talking to Anne, but she didn't hear any of it. She was too focused on the burnt building.
          "Who got out of the building?" Anne asked one paramedic.
          "It's okay." The paramedic avoided the question. Anne knew they were just trying to keep her calm. "Here, give me your hands." Anne put her hands out and saw they had several burns on them and going up her arms as well. She didn't notice due to her being so focused on everything else but herself, but now that she's realized, she could feel pain coming from it. The paramedic put some sort of gel that cooled down the burns, then put bandages over it.
           While the paramedic was putting bandages on Anne's arms, she noticed Ms. Waybright sitting on the curb with a blanket over her. A gray fog was around her and a small orange dot was near her mouth. She was smoking.
          "Thanks, I think I'm good now." Anne said, getting up and starting to walk away. The paramedic called out something, but Anne was too focused on finding out if Sasha made it out. She started to walk towards Ms. Waybright when she noticed Anne.
          "Anne. Thank you for rescuing me." She took a drag from her cigarette, then exhaled. "I probably wouldn't have made it out if it weren't for you." Anne stood in front of Ms. Waybright.
          "Where's Sasha?" Anne didn't respond to what she said. She just needed to know where her best friend was at. Ms. Waybright looked away from Anne and took another drag.
          "They couldn't find her. They couldn't get to her room up the stairs. It was too dangerous." She put her hand over her eyes. "They were saying from what they could see, she wasn't anywhere to be seen. So I thought maybe she ran off again, like she always does. I tried to call her father, but he didn't pick up.. Fuck." She tossed her cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. She stood up. She was much taller than Anne, and Anne could really see her features. Sasha got a lot of her looks from her mother. They even had very similar hair styles. Ms. Waybright started to walk away.
          "Wait! Where are you going?" Anne called out from behind her. Ms. Waybright looked over her shoulder while continuing to walk.
          "I'm gonna go to Sasha's father's house." She turned back ahead, not waiting for Anne.
          "Hold up a sec! I'm coming with you." Anne ran off to grab her bag she left on the side from before she ran into the house. She also grabbed her phone and noticed Marcy was still on the call. Anne put her earbud in and heard Marcy whimpering and sniffling quietly.
          "Mar-Mar?" Anne said in a gentle voice.
          "Anne! Are you okay? Is Sasha okay? What's going on?" Marcy sobbed. It was difficult to make out what she was saying.
          "I'm okay. The house is being put out. Sasha she-" Anne's voice started cracking. "We don't know where Sasha is. They couldn't get to her room, but we're gonna go to Mr. Waybright's house in case she went there before the fire started."
          "You don't know if she made it out?" Marcy's voice hurt Anne. It held so much pain and worry in it.
          "There's no way she didn't. She has to be somewhere, just not here." Anne tried to give Marcy hope, but she didn't even believe herself.
          "Hey! Boonchuy! I'm leaving." Ms. Waybright shouted from a car, likely an Uber. Anne grabbed her backpack and ran towards the car.
          "Mar-Mar, I'm gonna hang up. I promise I'll tell you what happens and I promise I'll tell you when we find Sasha." Anne opened the back car door and got inside.
          "Anne, please, please, please, stay safe. Call me within an hour, okay?"
          "I will. Love you."
          "Love you back." Marcy sounded so defeated. Anne hung up the phone and took her earbud out. The car started moving. She looked out the window and saw the house slowly go by. It was basically put out and it was in ruins. The houses next to it, thankfully, were fine. Anne looked to the front and saw Ms. Waybright looking out the window too. Her face was unreadable, but Anne could tell she was in pain.
          Anne closed her eyes and eased back into the seat. Sasha please be okay. You better be at your dad's house and not still in your mom's house. You better be anywhere except for your mom's house. If you're not at your dad's, you better be out getting a late night pedicure or getting ice cream. Please.

This is basically what Anne looks like right now

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This is basically what Anne looks like right now.
The drawing with a yellow shirt is what she'd look like once it heals.
Hopefully you guys enjoy the drawing and lmk if you guys wanna see more like this :]
Maybe a mix of writing and some drawing panels :]

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