[5] Explanation

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          Hours passed and Sasha still didn't pick up. Marcy and Anne were on a video call together.  Both of them were wearing their sleeping clothes and had snacks, all ready to have their virtual sleep over, but Sasha wasn't responding. Anne added Sasha to the call several times, but she never picked up.
          "I think her mom is pissed because of me." Anne blamed herself.
          "That wasn't your fault!" Marcy yelled. "Sasha was being a good friend and supporting you. I can't ever understand her mom's logic in anything." Marcy crossed her arms.
          "I don't understand it either. I hope she's okay. She's not responding to any of my texts."
          "Texts.." Marcy said.
          "Huh?" Anne asked. Marcy looked like she was deep in thought, and then suddenly, it seemed like a light bulb had turned on in her head.
          "Oh my gosh. Anne!"
          "Huh? Marcy are you okay?"
          "Sasha texted me earlier, I think when she was walking to her mom's house. Guess what she told me about you!" Marcy had an excited look on her face. Anne started blushing. What did Sasha say to Marcy? It could be anything. Did she say..? No.. That would be weird. Well, not bad-weird.
          "What did she say?" Anne sheepishly responded to Marcy. She was twiddling around her fingers.
          "She said you still have your Calamity powers. Is that true? Can you still go super Anne?" Marcy was really excited about this. Anne was shocked. This was probably the last thing she thought Marcy was going to say.
          "Huh?! Marcy, I don't have my powers anymore. None of us have our powers. Remember? We used the gem shards to get back home. " Anne was really confused. "Why would Sasha tell you that?"
          "She said you went crazy this morning and you used your powers for a little bit until you passed out." Marcy informed.
          "I don't.. remember..... that.." Anne trailed off and started thinking back to this morning. She did feel extra drowsy this morning and maybe had a minor headache. She placed her hand on her forehead and got deeper in thought. Her dream this morning. What was it? Anne could only remember Marcy being there, but not anything else or what happened. She also did think she saw her eyes glow last night. Was her powers really coming back? But, how? The powers came from the gemstones, so how would she even have them? And why didn't Sasha tell her?
          "Anne, are you okay? You're looking a little pale." Marcy brought Anne back out of her thoughts.
          "Marcy, why would I still have my powers? Wasn't our powers linked with the gemstones?" Anne was sitting with her legs crossed on her bed with one hand on her head, and she was staring at the other. She was examining it, maybe expecting it to start glowing with power.
          "What if the gemstones are back? What if someone back in Amphibia figured out a way to fix the gemstones?" Marcy wondered.
          "But why would they do that, and how would they do that? The gemstones were made by a deity that was just using them as a test and they're no longer needed."
          "What? Anne, what are you talking about?" Marcy looked at Anne in deep confusion. Anne realized what she had just blurted out. 
          "Sorry. I'm just throwing out ideas." Anne lied. She didn't want her friends to know about anything that happened on the day she died. How she ended up in limbo and met a deity that revived her and told her she was going to take their place in 78 years.
          "Anne. What if Andrias figured out a way to put the gemstones back together or made some sort of artificial stones that's triggering your powers?" Marcy frantically said. Anne saw the nervousness in Marcy's movements through the call. She was fidgeting and her eyes were darting all around the room. And then, Anne realized. What her dream was.
          "This morning I dreamt that we were back in Andrias's throne room." Anne started to say out loud. Marcy faced back to Anne. "It was before I was portaled back home. Instead of me and the Plantars getting to the portal, we decided to stay and fight, but nothing changed. You opened the portal, and then Andrias he.. he stabbed you, just like how he did before." Anne had to pause for a second. Marcy unconsciously placed her hand on her chest, reminding herself of the scars she has. Marcy doesn't really like it because not only does it sometimes hurt, but it reminded her of her time with Darcy.
          "And because I was there this time," Anne continued, "I unleashed my powers on Andrias again. The last thing I remember was just when I was about to attack Andrias, I remember Sasha grabbed my hand and she was looking at me like she was scared. I don't remember anything after that. Sorry. I didn't mean to share out of nowhere like that. It's just, I think that's what Sasha told you what happened this morning. I must have unleashed my powers outside of my dream too." Anne brought her knees to her chest and put her arms around her legs.
          "Anne, it's okay. I'm here and I'm still kickin'!" Marcy put her fists in the sky, trying to lift Anne's mood. It slightly worked. Anne smiled and put her fists in the sky, too. "And you still have your powers! That's amazing!"
          "Still kickin'.." Anne repeated, but it was less enthusiastic. Anne put her hands back down and looked at Marcy. "You think Sasha is okay? Like, what if her mom is locking her in a dungeon forcing her to eat bugs?" Anne was joking, but her main point stands.
          "Maybe you should sneak to her window and check on her. Ms. Waybright is crazy." Marcy suggested.
          "You're right, Marcy." Anne got up from her bed and went over to her closet. She changed out of her pajamas and into more suitable clothing for this mission. Anne changed into the same clothing she used to break into the museum: a black beanie, a dark purple shirt with ripped arms and a skull kitty design, black cargo pants, and black boots. She was all ready to go.
          "Anne, you look so freaking cool right now!" Marcy praised. "Go and impress Sasha with you coolness and possibly your powers if you can activate them!"
          "Thanks, Mar-Mar." Anne plugged in her earbuds to her phone so she and Marcy could continue to talk while Anne walked to Sasha's house. Anne left a note on the counter for her parents, in case they noticed she was missing or if she didn't come home before morning. Then, Anne left for Ms. Waybright's house.

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