Chapter 2

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"Rest assured, we are aware of what is happening. We have attempted to make contact with the mysterious floating space crafts in the sky and we have received no prompt response. We have located two smaller space crafts in California and Florida, they seem to have made no contact with any locals and for now do not pose a threat. However, we believe that the motherboard is in Boston. We are doing all we can to remain calm and refuse to incite any unnecessary conflict. We will remain neutral for now. For those located in the mentioned locations, we strongly urge you to stay indoors if you can, we will inflict a strict curfew and those parading the streets subsequently after it has been enforced will be severely punished. Let's all stay calm and don't believe any fake news or conspiracy theories you hear. Best of luck and stay safe"

And then silence. Ear deafening silence. What the hell is going on? "Mom are you okay? You dropped the pad" I asked my mom with concern. I could see that she was a little shaken. My dad had always been the expressive one, my mom on the other hand not so very much. She was always stoic and collected. She never expressed pain or anger, but best believe she would always express disappointment. "Y-yeah sweetie, just a little shaken" after those words a deep sigh followed as she stared at the broken pad on the floor. My dad still stood in front of the T.V. flipping through different news channels while his hand rested on his hip. Typical dad.

"Well then we heard them, we'll have to work from home for now. Dee don't think this is an opportunity for you to slack off, you still have school work to do" My mom said while carefully scooping up the small broken pieces of the pad. All she ever thought about was school. Was she out of her mind? The world might end and all she could think about was homework. "And this does not mean you don't follow your usual schedule. I'll talk to the other moms so we find a way to keep things going amidst this chaos. Such horrendous timing, with you, Xiuying, and Anna preparing for your performance at Julliard the timing couldn't have been worse. Not anyone gets the honour of performing at a Julliard award ceremony in front of all those direct-"

"Mom!" I screamed at her in a pleading tone. I was fed up, is that all she could think about? I get it, it's an honour to perform for all those impeccably talented students and music directors or whatever. I just didn't care about that stuff. My parents made it their mission to raise me with the highest stature. I had to speak 2 languages fluently, excluding English. I had to play at least two instruments perfectly, I had to be part of the top five in my class and part of the top ten in the whole school. I had to do so much. I just wanted to breathe. Even when the world was ending. After all, skill could never beat talent, I wasn't born to perform like Xiuying.
"The world is literally ending"
I said frustratingly "Ndeshi 'The World' isn't America. And for all we know things could be back to normal in less than two days, what would you like to do then? Fall behind your peers, lazy around, and play with Gunter?"
I looked at her almost teary-eyed and replied  "I'm just tired"

My eyes left her gaze and I was staring at the floor fiddling with the hem of my shirt. I could hear her sigh and walk towards me "Okay, but only for two days. No more no less. You can do what you want and then we go straight back to your schedule, okay?" My Mom said in a soft tone while rubbing both sides of my shoulders. "Okay"

I ran to my room upstairs and Gunter followed me. I closed the door and collapsed on the bed. So it takes the end of the world for me to catch a break. Vrrr.
I checked my phone and saw that Xi was calling. That was a nickname she gave herself and I just went with it.
"What. The. Hell. Dee are you seeing this, I mean, of course, you are but like did you watch the news" Xi asked in a high-pitched tone "I didn't but my Dad did. I mean we were just talking about ho-"
"I'm going to cut you off there bestie. Let me add Anna, ugh she's so annoying. I swear the world would be ending and she'd still be asleep"
Xiuying had a habit of cutting me off, that's just something I learned to get used to. Anna picked up after Xi's second attempt to add her "Omg are you guys okay??"
Xi took the initiative to answer for the both of us "Alive and well. Anyway girlies so there's a party and we're going. That means you're coming as well Dee" bad idea. But she was good at coming up with those, she made life fun. Ever since I moved here 5 years ago she was my best friend, we met in the 6th grade. I was an introvert and Xi being the extrovert she was spoke to me first and adopted me. It made life easier because I was bad at making friends. We lived in the same gated community so that made us even closer.

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