chapter 2 - doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore

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Ricky plopped down on the couch of his rental home in London. It had been a long day of meeting one person after the other. He was excited for the adventure to finally start, but people can be exhausting. Tomorrow he would be in France, exploring the urban life of Parisians.

He took out his phone and looked at his messages. Nini had sent a photo of Joel and Red's twins, Fred and George, who were a bit older than him. All their hands were paint stained, and Joel's nose was purple. He was adorable. His curls and his laugh were the only things that Ricky passed on, everything else he got from his mom. His curious, brown eyes and his personality were 100% Nini (though she would disagree). Joel was only three, but he was always perceptive of the needs of others around him, just like Nini.

Ricky : Adorable. Your photos are getting better.

Not a second later, Nini had replied his text.

Nini : A compliment from the photographer? Is it April Fools?

Ricky : Haha.. How was your day, Neens? The meeting went well?

Nini : The meeting went exceptionally well. He really liked my stuff, so we're doing a few more songs.

Ricky : Told you he would love it.. Can I hear the songs ?

Nini : I'm legally not allowed to let you, babe.

Ricky : :( Sing for me ?

Nini : No.

Ricky : Did you sing for him?

Nini : A little.

Ricky became curious about this Greyson guy. He wasn't jealous or anything; he was the one who got her the gig in the first place. It's just pure curiosity. He just wants to know who his wife was working with. After a quick google search and landing on an entertainment site, Ricky found his social media handle. Welp. This guy looked good. Ricky told himself that he was probably just one of those guys who looked the part, but probably sounded average... pop stars nowadays, right? He clicked on one of the videos and almost cursed when Greyson started singing, he could actually sing.

Ricky stopped his thoughts before he got too far. There was no reason to be jealous. Nini would never let anything happen between them. Their marriage was solid. It's this guy that Ricky doesn't trust. The thought of Nini spending hours and late nights in the studio with him makes Ricky's blood boil. When he gets back to New York, he would really like to meet the guy. Maybe he's just overthinking it, maybe Greyson's a good guy.

Nini : Ricky, you there?

Ricky : Yeah, sorry, I zoned out a little. It's been a day.

Nini : Get some rest. We'll talk soon.

Ricky : Ok. Talk to u soon. Give Joel kisses for me.

"Dinner is served!" Red set out 3 meatball subs, 2 paninis and 3 kids meals on the table. "Proudly made by Red's Superb Subs, brought to you by Red himself!!"

Nini scooched over so Red could sit beside her. Ever since Red opened the place, the gang has spent most Friday nights together here.

"Don't know 'bout you guys, but I'm starving." EJ said, grabbing his meatball sub and a kiddy meal for Joel who was sitting beside him. "Here you go, bud."

"Thank you uncle Elton." Joel said sweetly.

"I told you it's uncle EJ, you little rascal." EJ ruffled the boy's hair endearingly.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Gina observing their interaction from the other end of the table. It was a look of longing or yearning or something. The tension between Gina and EJ wasn't because they hated each other. It was like they'd been through something together, and they just can't get past it. Nini and Red were on EJ duty tonight, so perhaps if she couldn't get anything out of Gina, she could try EJ.

Even When (Ricky + Nini)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin