chapter 6 - sometimes i wish that i could freeze the picture

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[a/n : Title is from abba's Slipping Through My Fingers]
The next few weeks seemed to be going well for Ricky and Nini. They hated being apart, but Ricky's last visit allowed them to reconnect with each other.

Joel was adjusting well to his new school, and he even made a few friends. Nini wanted to stop time so that he wouldn't grow up so fast, but he's getting ready on his own, insists on helping Nini make breakfast and already has a crush on his teacher.

"Mommy, do I look like Daddy?" Joel asked walking out of his room. Nini laughed noticing how he'd put on a black shirt, a denim jacket, and black jeans. He was a mini Ricky alright..

"Well, of course you do. You've always looked like him." Nini said ruffling his hair. "Today you even dressed like him."

"Don't mess up my hair mommy." Joel said swatting her hand away, "Do you think you can cut some holes in my jeans so I can look like daddy.."

"Oh sweetheart, I'm afraid not. This is a perfectly good looking pair of jeans, why would you want me to cut it."

"Daddy wears them with the holes on his knees." Joel said pouting, "I need to look like him."

"And why is that?" Nini asked kneeling to his level. "Is there a dress like daddy day that I didn't know about?"

"No.. I just want to impress Miss T. I like her mommy."

"I can tell... but why do you need to dress exactly like your dad? You look handsome as it is, buddy."

"Well, 'cause Daddy got you to like him back! And you're really pretty, mommy."

Nini's heart melted and she was afraid of turning into mush right before his eyes. She took his little hands in hers and looked him in the eye.

"That's a very sweet thing to say, baby. And I agree, your dad is cute and handsome and he dressed well.. but you know what won me over?"

The little boy shook his head.

"What made me fall in love with him was his personality and his good heart."

"What's a personality?"

"It's kind of who you are I guess. Someone's character.. How they think, act and feel. What choices they would make in different situations.. what makes them unique." Nini smiled. "And you my little man have the best personality. You're fun and confident, you always make everyone feel special, and you've got your dad's charm."

"So you think Miss T will think I'm charming?"
Clearly he had a huge crush on his teacher and only heard that last part.

"Of course she will, babe. But not if you're late. Let's go!" Nini said ushering the boy out of the house and gathering all his things.

"Wait for me Miss T!" Joel panicked and rushed out the door effectively ruining his already messy hair.

Nini snapped a quick picture of Joel running to the car and sent it to Ricky. She smiled to herself. This boy was gonna grow up quickly and there was nothing she could do about it. Poor Ricky was missing out on the whole thing.

Please come home before he's a teenager.
She texted him quickly before Joel practically screamed at her, "Quickly mommy! I don't wanna be late."

"He's all grown up, Kourt." Nini sighed showing Kourtney the pictures she took of Joel this morning. "He'll hate me soon."

"Girl... you got a lot of time till that happens."
Kourtney said sipping her drink. She was on her lunch break and they were having mimosas at the Carlyle. Nini was having one of those moments, so Kourtney figured day drinking was the solution. "He's three, Nini.."

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