Chapter 3: The Doctor at Wall Rose Hospital

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[Beverly's POV]

The hospital at Wall Rose had a lot of patients today. Beverly Smith forgot to have lunch and now it's already time for dinner. She's been preparing to go back to the staff's dormitory when Bella, her assistant, told her a soldier is waiting for her outside the hospital.

What's gotten into my brother? It's not even his day off yet. Does he miss me already? Or is he here to pester me with getting married again? I did not show up on the last arrangement with the MP officer he tried to set me up with. Maybe he's here to scold me, she thought.

She headed to the entrance of the hospital. She saw a soldier's back with the Survey Corps logo, but it was not her brother. The man is short but muscular, he has straight black hair over an undercut. She recognized the man right away. How could she not? He's as famous as his brother. It's Captain Levi, Humanity's Strongest Soldier. Beside him is a female soldier taller than him. She has brown messy hair and is wearing a pair of glasses. This one I don't know, Beverly thought.

She nervously walked towards the captain, "Hi Captain Levi, Bella said you were looking for me." she said as calmly as she could.

Captain Levi turned around to face her. He looks a bit surprised. Beverly was surprised too, it is said that the captain rarely shows emotion through facial expression. She was surprised he was surprised. Funny, she thought.

"Erwin asked me to bring you this." the captain said as he handed her a huge lunch box.

"Thank you, Levi. Uhm Bella? Take this and share it with the others." Beverly called to her assistant.

"Thanks doctor! Don't worry, we'll save some for you." the assistant said as she excitedly hurried back inside.

"Sorry for making you come all the way here, Levi." she said apologetically.

"Don't mind it. Also, Mrs. Darley said she'll be waiting for you to visit her again." said Levi.

"Ahh yes, she's a very kind woman. I'll visit her soon. Thanks for telling me, Levi." Beverly replied.

The woman soldier spoke at last. "Hi Erwin's sister, I'm Hange Zoe. I work with your brother at the Survey Corps." said the woman soldier.

"It's nice to meet you Hange! I'm Beverly Smith. I work here as a doctor." Beverly said cheerfully as they shook hands.

"Wow you really are what Erwin is bragging to us about. You're so beautiful, I can't believe Erwin has a sister like you." said Hange.

"What do you mean, Hange? I think my brother is very handsome. A lot of women are head over heels for him, he just doesn't want to marry because......." Beverly didn't finish her sentence and looked suddenly sad.

"No no no, it wasn't meant to bad mouth your brother. We all love him in the Survey Corps, he is the most respected man among us. What I'm trying to say is, you two have no resemblance to each other." Hange said, worried she might have offended Beverly.

"Oh, sorry for my misunderstanding Hange. Yes, my brother said I look like our mother and he looks like our father." said Beverly.

At that moment, the hospital carriage carrying a critical patient came hurrying at the hospital's entrance. A medical assistant comes out of the carriage, followed by the patient's mother.

"How's the patient, Ronnie?" Beverly asked.

"He's out of the critical phase now, doctor. I already gave him first aid before bringing  him here. I'll call Doctor Zachary, your shift has already ended three hours ago, Doctor Smith. You should go home and rest now." Ronnie insisted.

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