Chapter 4: The Battle of Trost

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[Levi's POV]

With an expedition outside the wall held within each month, they are now getting ready for the 56th Expedition Outside the Walls. They leave just before sunset, as always. The breeched Wall Maria swarms with titans, the Survey Corps killed as much as thirty titan and still not close to the gate.

A cadet from the Garrison Corps hurries towards Commander Erwin. Upon hearing the cadet's message, the commander kept silent for a full minute. Finally he announced, "We're going back, Wall Rose has been breeched. The Garrison Corps requires our help, Trost District is now being attacked by the Colossal titan."

Tsk! We haven't even made it outside the wall, and now we're going back?

As they arrive in Trost district, it was chaos. Buildings were smashed, a number of cadets being eaten by titans, and the last batch of civilians were evacuating. He noticed newly graduated newbies fighting with titans, most of them dead. He managed to save a few.

What were they thinking? They sent these new graduates to die. Damn Garrison Corps!

A few paces from him, he saw his commander's face turn pale from shock. He looked at the direction he was looking at. Wall Rose Hospital. It was almost crushed to bits.


[Erwin's POV]

Someone from the Garrison to chase us all the way here. I bet it must have been urgent.

"Commander Erwin, Commander Pixis requires your assistance. Wall Rose has been breeched. The Colossal titan destroyed the Wall. A lot of titans now swarms Trost district. We have been helping the civilians evacuate the premise, we haven't got enough men to fight the titans."

"I understand, thank you. We're heading back." Erwin said.

He ordered his men to withdraw. "We're going back, Wall Rose has been breeched. The Garrison Corps requires our help, Trost District is now being attacked by the Colossal titan."

Trost district. I wonder if she is okay. No, I'm sure she is safe, the Garrison Corps prioritizes the safety of civilians above all else. Why did this happen on our absence? Such bad timing!

They arrived at Trost district. "Soldiers, kill off the titans in the perimeter. Be careful, I want no casualties!"

I have to check on her first, make sure she is safe.

When he got to Wall Rose Hospital, everything was a mess. Dead soldiers lying on the ground, some titans roaming around the crumbled building, and some soldiers lifting a large rubble. Erwin paced closer to them.

"What's the situation here?" he asked one of the soldiers.

"We're trying to get the people trapped under this rubble, sir!" replied the soldier.

Erwin helped them lift the huge rubble. The Garrison Corps logo is still visible on the back of the soldier covered in blood. It seems that this soldier protected whoever is underneath. He gently lifted the body of the soldier, he's gone. The person underneath was also covered in blood, the once white doctor's coat is now red. It's body was not squashed by the rubble, thanks to the soldier who saved it. Erwin leaned closer, and his face turned almost white from shock and terror. It was his sister.

He lifted her and checked her pulse. She's alive. He ordered one of the soldiers "Hurry, get a stretcher!" He picked her up and placed her in the stretcher. He ordered the soldiers to bring her to the other evacuees, and have doctors tend to her.

"Didn't you let them evacuate the minute you saw titans? Why are they still here?" he asked one of the soldiers, almost shouting.

"Yes sir we did. But that doctor insisted to stay because she wanted to help a wounded soldier. The same one who died saving her from a falling rubble." the soldier replied.

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