Rosie's and Frost's Potty Problem

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It was a beautiful afternoon in the Octopod, Dashi and Tweak were helping the Octo-Kidets with their Training while Kwazii was coming back from driving the GUP-B, Peso was in the sick bay helping an injured turtle, Inkling and The Vegimals were in the kitchen making lunch. Kwazii came from the launch bay and went up to HQ and saw that Capt. Barnacles and Shellington are nowhere to be seen, no one in the Octopods has seen them all morning and all afternoon,

"Oi, Dashi," Kwazii said, "Where's the Captain and Shellington?"

Dashi looked at Kwazii and shrugged as Tweak handed out some worksheets for the Kidets, Kwazii then put his paws on his hips and went over to the octo-chute and did a front somersault, and slide down the chute. Once he got to the second level he realized it is awfully quiet, no Vegimals singing, no Octo-Kidets running around, just silence, he was about to investigate, he heard two toddlers laughing and saw them running away with no pants on, 

"Frost!" Barnacles said as he chases his son,

"Rosie!" Shellington said as he chases his daughter,

Kwazii widens his eyes as Capt. Barnacles and Shellington were carrying their kids back to the bathroom,

"Siver Me Whiskers!" Kwazii quoted as he followed them to the bathroom,

Kwazii then realizes why the two toddlers ran off, their father was trying to potty train them, but they seem to be stubborn about it and they refuse to use their potty chair, Capt. Barnacles were looking through 'Potty Training 101' as Shellington was trying to keep the two toddlers in one place.

"What's goin' on 'ere?" Kwazii asked 

Shellington looked at the Lt. Pirate Cat as Rosie was trying to get out of her potty chair,

"We're trying to potty train Frost and Rosie," Shellington said as he grabbed Frost from behind

Kwazii then leans onto the doorway of the bathroom and crosses his arms, Frost and Rosie finally settle down as Capt. Barnacles got more grape juice in sippy cups,

"Um...why are you potty training them?" Kwazii asked,

Capt. Barnacles gave the two toddlers the sippy cups as the two adults finally settle down a wee bit, 

"Because next week is their Daycare interview, and this is important. If Frost and Rosie are not potty trained, then they can't go to 'Sunny Starfish Daycare'." Capt. Barnacles said,

They all looked at each other as Frost and Rosie finished their juice, the three adults look at them, and the toddlers nodded their heads no. Capt. Barnacles and Shellington moan in disappointment, Kwazii then stepped in a sat down next to them,

"Maybe I can help," Kwazii said with a smile, "I toilet-trained Madison so how hard could it be to toilet-trained Rosie and Frost?"

"Maybe I can help," Kwazii said with a smile, "I toilet-trained Madison so how hard could it be to toilet-trained Rosie and Frost?"

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"Yarr..." Kwazii said in frustration, "Come on Mateys! Just get on the ding-dang darn potties dagnabit!" 

Rosie and Frost were crossing arms and making bratty pouty faces as the three crew were trying to convince the two to go potty. Shellington then had an idea, he took out two fish biscuits,

"Come on," Shellington said in a baby talk, "If you go potty for us, I'll give you two these fish biscuits."

The toddlers look at the three crew and then they stuck their tongues out followed by a fart noise that they did if their mouths and they gave them the cold shoulder, they all moan in disappointment, especially Shellington,

"I don't get it?" Shellington said,

"Aye matey," Kwazii agreed, "They are more stubborn than a rusty lid on a treasure chest." 

Shellington then ate the fish biscuits and tilted his head, "No, I mean, this worked on Junior when I was Potty training him. I can't believe they didn't want the fish biscuits if they go potty for us."

Capt. Barnacles and Kwazii looked at the sea otter in shock and disbelief, Shellington looked at then got confused,

"What?" Shellington asked,

"Shellington," Kwazii said, "You bribed Junior to go potty?!"

The otter wide his eye a shook his head, "What! No! I didn't bribe him, I just convince him to go and if he does I'll award him with a treat."

"Um...Shellington..." Capt. Barnacles corrected, "That sounds like Bribing to us." 

"Well, it worked on him," Shellington said,

Rosie and Frost then waddled over to the three crew and started padding their legs and making moaning at them, the three of them looked at them in confusion at first, until Rosie and Frost has spoken about their age they spoke. Even though they are both two years old they can make some sentences here and there but not much,

"ou..." Rosie and Frost said at the same time,

The three of them widen their eyes in amazement, it may sound like nonsense but they could they of what they were saying,

"Ou..." Rosie and Frost repeated, "Ou...Ou...Out!"

Shellington then realized something, he think there was a reason why Rosie and Frost couldn't go,

"Kwazii, Captain, I think I know why they can't go," Shellington said, "You know when you go to a public washroom do you somethings feel a wee bit stage fright?"

"No...I mean when you got to go, you have got to..." Kwazii said as he realized what Shellington meant, " I see what you mean. The two mateys can't go wee-wee because they have a case of stage fright."

Rosie and Frost are still padding their father's leg as the three of them had an idea. A few minutes later, Tweak had made a privacy curtain for Rosie and Frost around their potty chairs, they couldn't get over the fact that even though that they are two, they need some privacy.

"Who knew that two toddlers need some privacy when you are going to potty train them..." Tweak chuckled as she finished putting up the curtains, "There...that odd to do the trick."

They all left the bathroom as Rosie and Frost close the curtains. A few minutes go by as Rosie and Frost came out of the bathroom happy as they could be,

"You did!" Shellington asked,

They nodded their head as they ran to their dad's they all cheered a clapped for Rosie and Frost's achievement,

"Well, now we know that sometimes you just need some privacy." Kwazii smiled

Capt. Barnacles and Shellington agreed as they kisses their toddlers Frost and Rosie giggled. They just earn their first potty star.

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