35 • Bed

29 1 18

when I'd made it home, all I wanted to do was flop in my bed and go to sleep for a very long time. but I needed to wash the hospital off of me and eat before that could happen.

besides, the bed was Jenny's so I couldn't even sink into the foamy mattress, feathered pillows and crisp sheets. I'd committed to ringing Freddie to tell him about that kiss between Jenny and I, so that was another thing to tick off the list before I could have any chance at at least trying to sleep.

even the thought of having to sleep on that sofa made my shoulder ache, even though it was in the right place again. it twinged every now and then, but the doctor's said that that was to be expected.

after I'd finished my extensive shower, I went into my bedroom with my towel wrapped around my waist to fetch some pyjamas only to find that Jen had arranged the bed...for me?

the duvet was flipped back, ready for somebody to wrap themselves up in it and sink their heavy head into the freshly puffed pillows. a glass of water sat on the bedside table and an extra blanket from the wardrobe lay folded on the end of the bed. it was wishful thinking that I would be the one melting into this luxury. she'd had a hard day too and was probably ready to have a nice long sleep as well as I.

my jealousy about Jenny having the bed grew(if that was even possible) as I physically huffed out of tiredness at the sight of the crisp sheets she'd be getting into tonight.

before I could even finish getting dressed, Jenny barricaded through the door, not giving me time to put a shirt on. "well hello," she chuckled, crossing the carpeted room and standing in front of me in only my jeans.

she gently placed her cold hands on my chest, snaking her fingers elegantly down my stomach. a tingling sensation followed the trail where her fingers had been and I wasn't entirely sure if that was because of her cold hands or something else. I closed my eyes from exhaustion and the feeling of her hands on my exposed chest. "I'll take the sofa tonight," she said, pointing to the bed, looking more welcoming than a fireplace on a winter's evening.

I opened my eyes again, but Jenny's hands were still on me and had found their way to my waist. "I can't let you. I said you could take my bed and I'll stick to it...it's my fault I got in this mess in the first place anyway," I tried to bargain with her, but she wasn't having any of it. 

"you can and you will," she tried to shut me up by planting small kisses on my chin, cheeks, nose: anywhere but my lips. she was such a tease sometimes, making it easy to get aggravated at her and difficult to say no to her.

she continued to protest, but I persevered with making her stay in the bed. it was very difficult to fight stubbornness. "you're staying in this bed." I finalised blatantly.

"so are you," she retorted, a remark I was very much not expecting.



"I insist that you stay in the bed and you insist that I stay in the bed. so let's both stay in the bed. it's a double. and that is what couples do Roger."

the compromise sounded very desirable to me, but I was still skeptical. "are you sure?" I asked. obviously I trusted myself not to do anything, for starters I felt absolutely awful. the painkillers were wearing off and I felt groggier than I had in the hospital.

the good news was that my shoulder felt like normal except for a couple of twinges, but the rest of me felt like I'd been crawling in a gutter for a week.

"Roger, I'm very sure, now get some rest. and get dressed....or don't, I don't mind either way." she floated out of the room and everything in me wanted to follow her, but I felt like I'd fall over on the way there, my legs were jelly and my head was pounding.

"Jen?" I called, wishing her presence back for more than one reason. she popped her head in the door. "do you mind ringing Freddie and telling him everything about the first time you kissed me? he's dying to know." I realised how genuinely weird that sounded and regretted saying them immediately. "actually...nevermind, tell him to piss off instead please...." I suddenly felt very awkward and made my way to the bed.

"Roger, that did sound odd I'll admit, but I also want to gossip about it. will you be comfortable here while I give him a call?"

"oh...please-" I tried to tell her not to call but she bounced out of the room and within moments I heard her dialling Freddie's number.

I pretty much crawled over to the bed and fell into the sheets. it was heaven. absolute bliss. my body surrendered to the comfort of the crisp linen and voluminous pillows. this made me realise how the bus beds were actually extremely uncomfortable and I felt my muscles untwist themselves.

it was like I'd stepped onto a cloud and within minutes, despite my ravenous hunger, I was asleep.


when I awoke, I felt a weight next to me. I knew it was obviously Jennifer and I turned around to face her. i'd never felt so well rested in my life, it felt like I'd been sleeping on the ground for weeks.

once I'd turned around, I saw that Jenny was also facing me, but she was sound asleep. the sunlight trickled in through the curtains and gave her face a beautiful golden glow. I really did like this woman, she was as close to perfect I could ask for. although I wasn't looking for perfect, I'd somehow found the closest thing.

after we were both up, dressed and breakfasted, we sat side by side at the breakfast bar. "oh SHIT!" Jenny suddenly yelled, her outburst giving me such a shock that I nearly fell off my stool.

"what, what?!" I asked in alarm. was she okay? what had happened?

"you're meant to be in bed, Roger! Dr Bannaleigh said you needed to have a couple of days bed rest and that-" she stopped.

"-and that....?" I tried to get her to continue but her lips were sealed. "what else is there I need to know, Jen?" I pressed.

"alright! Dr Bannaleigh also said that you're not allowed to drum for a minimum of two weeks."

I could've passed out on the spot. two weeks?! I was meant to be back in the recording studio now and now I was being deprived of my happiness. what was this all about?

feeling it was best not to argue, I moped off to bed, not happy with the idea, but accepting the advice.

I took my shirt off and changed my jeans up for a comfier pair of jogging bottoms and hoisted myself back into bed with a cup of coffee. the sheets smelled faintly of Jenny.

feeling chilly after a while of reading my music magazine, I was about to get up to grab a t-shirt when I heard the door creak open. Jenny came into the room and saw me half-dressed, hoisting myself out of bed.

"you alright?" she said to my bare chest.

"yeah, yeah, just getting a shirt, I'm cold."

"before you do, can I just-" Jenny made her way across the room and manoeuvred in front of me.


I was standing in front of him, taking him in. although he was not feeling his best, he still looked gorgeous.

taking a step closer to him, Roger put his arms around me and I traced circles on his exposed back. I could feel every ridge of his spine under my fingers. before I could think about what to do next, Roger brought my chin up, stared into my eyes, smirked and placed his lips on mine.

god i loved him.

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