48 • Toddler

17 2 15


slumping down on my bed in defeat, the phone trilled. "hello?" I cooed down the phone, waiting for a reply. by this point I just wanted to sleep, but was willing to humour my caller.


"Roger? it's late."

"but not too late?" I could hear his hopefulness through the phone.

"Roger, I ain't got long, unless you want me to fall asleep. explain yourself." I rubbed my head and waited for his side of the story. although I knew this was more Zara's fault than Roger's, I couldn't help but begrudge him slightly after seeing what a state JJ got herself into over him.

Roger sighed loudly down the phone and I knew he was doing that thing where he put his hand on his opposite shoulder under his shirt. "look, is Jen there?"

"she's just nodded off to sleep in the spare room, she was absolutely hammered when she arrived at my door Roger, it's a miracle she drove here unharmed."

"she drove?!" the worry in Roger's voice was heartbreaking and suddenly I didn't care about my principal judgement on him, I just wanted him and JJ to get back together happily. "alright, I'll tell you everything you need to know..."

it seemed like Roger was talking for hours about the entire day. "that bitch!" I yelled down the phone at the end of it, slapping my hand over my mouth in response to my own volume. I hoped Jenny was still sleeping soundly and hadn't woken up as a result of my outburst. however, Roger and I seemed to be on the same page as I heard a couple of sad "mhm"s down the phone. "so what do we do now?"

"i don't know Fred. does she even want to talk to me?" Roger's voice was an effortless drawl. the last time I heard it like this was when we'd all gone out for food and Brian got the last muffin before Roger could. oh, those were the days...

"i tried to convince her that Zara was completely dolally and I think she believed me, but this isn't going to get resolved if you just leave it."


Freddie was right on the money. it was an open wound and if I left it, it'd get infected. and in literal terms that would mean that Jenny would despise me forever and she'd bugger off back to America. even the thought of that made me rake a clammy hand through my messy hair.

I barely slept a wink that night, trying to figure out things in my head, but nothing came together as I was too tired and upset to think straight. my last thought before I dozed off into an unsteady slumber was that I must really love her if I was shedding this much emotion over her.

the next morning was a Sunday. and I definitely would not be lazing on this Sunday afternoon. Deaky knocked on my door bright and early and it seemed that he had a plan. "morning princess," he beamed from ear to ear. he was a very early riser, having a son and all.

speaking of said son, little 2-year-old Robert ran into my house as soon as I opened the door. "oh, Robbie!" Deaky cried, shaking his head at his son. I made way for him to come inside and tried not to look too disappointed that Deaky had brought Little Deaky. I liked that kid, he was sweet, but it was too early in the morning for toddlers.

once tea was served, the back door was letting in a steady air flow and we were sat in the living room, I'd woken up properly and felt considerably less begrudging about having a tiny person in my house. Robert refused to sit on the armchair with his dad and was adamant that he wanted to sit next to "Roggo" instead.

"Rog-ger, can you say Rog-ger?" Deaky tried to teach Robbie how to say my name properly, but it was a hopeless case. I was Roggo now by the looks of it. Little Deacon sat next to me, playing with a multicoloured Fisher Price board with things to play with on it. he also had a monkey teddy hooked under his arm.

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