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The car ride to the retirement home is about 2 hours so I figured i would text Hayes. I said hey and he answered immediately. He knew it was me☺️ I didn't even have to say who I was.

We talked the whole 2 hours about anything and everything until we got to the retirement home and I said gtg I'll talk to you later😄.

I hopped out of the car and around to my grandmas door to help her get her walker out. She looked happy, but she also had a tear in her eye. She may have Alzheimer's, but she surely remembers that I'm leaving, and she'll never forget about me. I just know it, but just in case I brought my school picture from this year to pin up on her wall.

We walked into the main lobby and a kind blonde woman greeted us.

"You must be Sharon!😃" she smiles and comes out from behind the desk to help us carry my grandmas things.

I was sad to say good bye, but mostly I was sad about leaving Hayes after I just met him. Maybe I could find someone else in New York.

But heck, nobody can really top Hayes Freakin Grier, can they?

I started feeling a little bad as I walked to the car, more disappointed about Hayes then leaving my grandma. I'm such a love attic aren't i?

I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts as reached the car and smiled as I opened the passenger door to sit next to Sheila.

"I wouldn't be seeing her ever again." I thought to myself as I looked over at her and sighed.

"You okay?" Sheila asked and she shifts the gear and begins to back out of our parking spot, slightly turning the wheel and turning around to see behind her for any oncoming cars.

"Yeah I'm fine, just...a little tired that's all."

"Are you sure? You look kinda pale." Sheila looks at me concerned as she stops at the red light in front of us.

"Yeah I'm fine." I answered as I pulled my phone out to check Instagram and Sheila nods, then steps on the gas again as the light turns green.

I felt like this day would last awhile. I mean it was only 12:00 and I had already dropped my grandmother off, gone to the gas station and learned about the approaching "end of the world", and had met Nash's hot younger brother Hayes.

As I thought about everything that this day has yet to bring I drifted off to sleep in the wonderland of my dreams.

*At The Airport*

"Wakey Wakey! Were here!" Sheila shakes me and I try to open my eyes but it's too bright out and I close them again.

"Okay." I sit up with my eyes close and stretch the best I can inside a car.

"Let's get your bags from the trunk and I can help you carry them to security, but then your on your own kiddo." I nodded and yawned before forcing myself to open my eyes and actually stand up. I opened the car door and stepped out onto the hot pavement. Then I walked around to the trunk where there were only a few bags left that Sheila hadn't taken out yet.

I had 4 total bags that I would take with me. The rest were being shipped to Nicks house. I was obviously going to have a ton of stuff since this was a permanent thing.

"Man. New York." I thought as i walked through the parking lot and into the elevator that takes us down to the street level. I guess we parked on the ramp without me noticing.

"Duh." I thought rolling my eyes at myself again. "I was sleeping when we parked." I always thought stupid things, that's why I'm glad people can't read minds.

*skip to security check*

"Well this is it. I'm gunna miss you!" Sheila says pulling me in for a hug and we both start to cry. Sheila was always like the sister I never had, that's why I was sad to leave her.

"I'm gunna miss you too." I whispered as I whipped a tear from my eye and pulled away from our hug and moved up the line to where I hand the officer my ticket.

"Name?" He asks me

"Kenzie Wells."



"Okay, you can go."

"Thank you." I smiled, trying to be polite as I continued on and took my shoes off to put on the rack along with my phone and liquids.

*skip to airplane ride*

"E26." I whisper to myself as I walk down the row try into find my seat. I pass A, B, C, D. There it was. I was in the window seat and there where already other people in the row so I had to awkwardly step over them.

"Sorry." I mumbled as I stepped on one guys foot and he grunted.

I pulled out my phone immediately and stayed on it most of the time until I had to use the bathroom. I had my headphones in and I was listening to 5 Seconds of Summer and I really didn't want to take them out so I kept them in as I walked to the back of the plane to get to the bathroom, only to realize that they were both occupied.

I sighed then walked to the front and pushed open the door to the bathroom. I took care of my business and when I opened the door to come out I noticed someone familiar in the first class section.

I tried to nonchalantly look over there again when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped and pulled out my headphones. That's when I noticed that my music was blaring and everyone around me could hear it.

I turned around to see who tapped me and was face to face with....Calum Hood?

"Whose music are you listening to? Cuz they suck. You should probably delete those." He smiles.

"Haha yeah, they are pretty bad, your right."

"*gasp* I can't believe you just said that." Michael says as he pops up from the seat behind Calum. This was officially the best day of my life.

"Calum who are you guys talking to?" Ashton's pipes in from the seat next to Michael.

"I'm not sure. Who are we talking to?" Calum says to me, raising his eyebrow.

"Kenzie." I giggled." Kenzie is speaking."

"See well there ya go Ashton. We're talking to my good pal Kenzie." Calum says over excitedly as he wraps his arm around me playfully and I smile. I couldn't help it really.

"Where's Luke?" I wondered to my self.

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