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"Where's Luke?" I wondered

Everyone was silent for a brief moment and you could hear the music coming from my headphones still. The song playing now was immortals by Fall Out Boy.

"You like Fall Out Boy!" Calum and Michael both exclaim at once then look at each other and burst out laughing and I can't help but join in, of coarse Ashton does to with his adorable laugh.

"Who doesn't?" I laughed and turned it up louder on 'accident'.

"Unplug your headphones and hand me your phone." Calum says and of coarse I do it without question. " Now sit down." He tells me as he points to the seat next to his, in front of Michael. Then Calum walks to the front of the plane.

"Soooo.......what do you think he's doing?" I ask Michael, and he just smiles.

"Oh you'll see." Ashton says starting to crack up as he gets snapchat up on his phone. To video tape what Calum does I assume.

A few seconds later I hear the ding ding ding of the speakers going on for an announcement.

"Ello. My name is Calum. And this Jam Sesh is brought to you by my good friend Kenzie and her amazing music taste." He coughs and continues. "If you don't like this music then.....You should probably just jump out of the plane." Calum continues on and on for a few minutes.

"I'm going to go stop this.... Michael says standing up and walking to the front.

"My name is..." Michael starts before Calum cuts him off.

"Hey I was still talking!" Calum yells and you can hear the sound of the microphone being tugged back and forth between them both.

"I do what--- I want..... I'm punk... Rock." Michael manages to say between grunts of pulling the microphone.

"No....you're not.." I hear Calum say before the tugging sound stops and Calum talks again. "Let's just get to the music now." He says before I hear the start of the song Just One Yesterday.

"I thought of angels choking on their halos
Get them drunk on rose water
See how dirty I can get them
Pulling out their fragile teeth"

The speakers blared and people started to stand up and party. Calum came out from the front of the plane followed by Michael who flipped the lights out as he walked past them. This really was like a party.

"If heavens grief brings hells rain
Then I'd trade all my tomorrows
For just one yesterday
For just one yesterday
I want to teach you a lesson
In the worst kind of way
Still I'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday"

Calum came up to me and asked if I wanted to dance with him, and Michael went up to a random girl and asked her to dance, Ashton did the same, even though he has a girlfriend.

We danced together until the song was over and the next one started.

"It's a good thing there's no turbulence." Calum shouts over the loud music and we both laugh. Gosh he was cute.

I had seen him before, I went to all of there California concerts, but I had never been this close to him or actually talked to him.

My mind drifted back to my earlier thoughts suddenly.

"Where's Luke?" I asked Calum and his face sunk.

"We're not really supposed to say but I trust you." He said as he motioned for me to sit down next to him back in his seat now. "Luke's mom , Liz, died over the weekend."

"Oh my gosh." I gasped. "That's terrible. What happened?"

"Well, she had been diagnosed with a deadly disease, I don't remember what it was called but, yeah."

I wasn't quite sure what to say now so I just nodded and turned around to see Michael and Ashton dancing with girls and half of everyone else on the plane up dancing, and the other half head bobbing, singing, or smiling at least. I don't think anyone was sleeping with this loud music.

Right then The ding ding ding of the loud speaker when off again and the music stopped.

"We will be landing in 30 minutes and we are now starting the landing process, so please make your way back to your seats. Oh and Calum, please come get your phone." Then that was it Calum went up and got my phone back for me, he put his number in it and gave it back.

"Text me sometime." He smiled at me and I told him I would before I went back to my seat. I considered telling him that I was only 14 and I just looked old for my age but.....nah it was Calum Hood! If he wanted to think I was 16-17 I didn't care.

I sat down in my seat and pulled up snapchat. I looked on Ashton's story and I saw a video of me and Calum dancing. When I looked on Michaels story I saw a picture of me and Calum from when he tapped me on the shoulder and I jumped. My face was priceless, I laughed out loud and the people next to me looked annoyed.

I just got off the plane and I waved goodbye to Calum, Michael, and Ashton as they were escorted to their car.

I slipped my phone out of my back pocket and texted Nick that the plane had landed and that I would meet him at the bag carousel.

I put my phone back into my back pocket before grabbing the handle of my bags and walking through the food court and waiting for the shuttle to bring me to the other part of the airport where my bags are.

It took a few minutes so I looked around me. I felt my phone buzz so I let go of one of my bags to reach into my back pocket for my phone. There was a text from Nick. He said that he forgot to tell me that his friend was also flying in tonight so we would have to meet him too, and that his friend would be staying with us for a few weeks since him and his parents are in a tough spot or something.

"Great" I thought. "Two boys. This is going to be the opposite of what I'm used to." I'm just so used to my grandma and Sheila. I miss them already.

Swoosh the shuttle was here, so I turned my phone off and put it away before grabbing my bag again and pulling it behind me onto the shuttle. Not knowing what to expect when I stepped off.

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