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I took a seat in the back of the shuttle since not many people were on this one, and the ones who were wanted to stand since they had been sitting so long. I just wanted to take a breather and mentally prepare myself for what I would have to live with for the rest of my life.

The shuttle was across now so I stood back up and dragged my bags, once again, out of the shuttle and across the open floor towards the baggage claim. I found Nick almost immediately, he wasn't hard to find. He has dark brown hair, isn't very tall, maybe like 5'7 at the most, and he was wearing a red flannel T-Shirt with jeans and boots. He was your typical country boy I guess.

He was on his iPhone leaning against the wall, so he didn't notice me. Could I just ditch him? I could survive on my own right?

I was seriously considering running, until I saw a SUPER cute boy who looked about my age go up to Nick and give him a bro hug.

HOLD UP!!! If that's his friend the. I was DEFINETLY not going anywhere, well except maybe Nicks house with that guy.

I rushed the rest of the way over to Nick and I had to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Nick?" I asked trying to sound excited.

"Oh my Gosh! Hey Kenzie!" Nick turns to give me a big hug and he's grinning from ear to ear now. "You've grown up so much, holy crap. Last time I saw you, you, you were like....--- Nick started until, I cut him off.

"Yes Nick. Puberty happened and now I'm---" I started in until I was cut off by Nicks friend.

"Super hot." His friend says confidently then starts smiling and laughing. Nick joins him. All I can do is blush because this super hot but just called ME hot.

"Zach!! Shut up ya weirdo!!" Nick says as he bends over laughing.


I grabbed my bags and Zach helped me bring them to the car. I said I could get them all but Zach insisted on my not carrying any of them. I didn't argue, I am pretty lazy.

Besides, I liked it when Zach flirted with me, he was cute. We all got into the car. I immediately got into the back seat out of habit and Zach got into the back to so I wouldn't be "lonely".

"Any music suggestions?" Nick asks

"I think Kenzie should choose." Zach (of coarse) says.

"Okay um here how about you connect my phone to your car. You have Bluetooth right?"

"Yeah we do, all you have to do is-" Nick starts but I didn't listen because I already knew how.

I connected it and of coarse put on Fall Out boy, which reminded me of the plane ride.

"Oh come on Kenz, don't you have any rap songs?" Zach asks after only one Fall Out Boy song.

"Yeah I do. Is that your way of saying I should play them?" I asked him smiling.

"Yes" Zach says as he lightly nudges me with his shoulder and rolls his eyes.

I grinned and changed the song to Ayo by Chris Brown. "Is this better?" I asked.


The who,e rest of the ride was basically just me and Zach talking bout music and soccer and random things that we like. When we got to Nicks condo Zach and Nick carried my luggage in for me as I started to unpack, Zach did the same in his room.

I think I could definitely get used to this place.


I know this story is kinda boring right now, but I have a good idea for it so it will get better soon, I promise!

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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