A Destiel New Year

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Tumblr Prompt: write a story including a set of three things (fireworks, broken clock, a kiss)

     Castiel sat quietly on the porch steps, underneath the small roof. The late-December air held a crisp chill, and he could see his breath fog in small clouds with each exhale. His quiet pondering contrasted greatly with the sounds of the party inside- laughter and booming voices filled the Winchesters' home, while Cas was alone except for the sounds of the night and his own breaths. 

     The thing was, he didn't understand human traditions. Everyone inside had tried- a great many times- to explain them to him, but Cas could understand the origin nor the purpose of their festivities. Fireworks? A countdown? A kiss? It didn't make sense. Why would humans launch explosives into the air for entertainment? Or count down to the New Year? Why not wait until the next day?

     Castiel couldn't even begin to understand the purpose of the kiss tradition. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't hoping for a kiss from Dean, but things had been tense between them after Cas's confession, and he didn't know what to think of it.

     Sure, he understood the celebration. They did have a lot to celebrate. Cas was back, after all, and for the moment they were all safe. He was happy that they had all made it to the New Year, but the traditions just simply didn't make sense. 

     He'd pretended to understand after everyone had explained their traditions, but from the look on Dean's face- part amusement and part concern- he was pretty sure he had still looked confounded. 

     Footsteps echoed across the silence from behind Cas, effectively startling him out of his thoughts. Someone settled down beside Cas, chuckling. 

     He knew without looking that it was Dean. Despite all they'd been through- especially because of all they'd bene through- he'd know Dean anywhere. He'd know him by his footsteps, his gait, his voice- hell, even how he smelled. 

     That same smell- an intoxicating mix of leather and motor oil that was just so Dean- washed over Castiel as Dean slung an arm around his shoulders. Cas could feel Dean's chest rumble as he spoke, and he leaned into Dean almost imperceptibly. 

     "Hey, buddy," Dean said. "Avoiding the party?"

     "Yes," said Castiel matter-of-factly. He was, after all.

     Dean moved his arm from Cas's shoulder to his own knee as he bent slightly, rumbling with laughter. "That bad, huh?" 

     "No, Dean, the party isn't 'bad'," he began anxiously. "I'm just confused, that's all. These traditions, they..."

     Cas trailed off, vaguely gesturing with his hands and hoping to get the point across. Their communication had been... subpar lately, to say the least. He hoped that Dean would understand.

     Dean seemed to get it, patting Cas's shoulder with a smile. "I know, man. Our traditions are weird. Maybe you just gotta experience them first, you know?"

     Cas nodded and offered a smile of his own, glad that the previous tension between them was gone, however momentarily.

     They sat in silence for a moment, shoulder-to shoulder. Dean shifted, leaning back to rest on his palms. Cas stared back at him, noting how his forest-green eyes sparkled in the dim light on the porch. The corners crinkled as he smiled warmly at Cas. It made his stomach flutter in a way that wasn't entirely unpleasant, and definitely not foreign when it came to Dean.

     After a few beats, Dean spoke. "You should come back inside," he murmured softly. "I missed-" Dean froze mid-sentence, still staring at Cas. He coughed, shifting away from Cas. "We missed you."

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