Breakfast and New Beginnings

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Tumblr Prompt:  "I just told you I liked you but now I'm shy and say 'never mind forget it' and why are you looking at me like that?

A/N: Domestic Destiel and a confession... what more could you want?

      Castiel leans against the doorframe, watching Dean with a small smile on his face. He's not used to mornings like this in the bunker. As long as Cas has known the Winchesters, it's been crazy, chaotic. Always moving fast from one place to another, always on the run from one thing or another. 

     It's an odd thing, being able to watch Dean make breakfast. 

     The bacon sizzles in the pan, and now that Cas is human, he appreciates the smell that fills the air. It used to taste like a jumble of molecules- overloading Cas's senses- but now he tastes each new type of food for what it is. Whether it be sweet- like Dean's apple pie- or salty, like the bacon Dean's cooking, it's now something to be appreciated. 

     It used to be a stark reminder of everything Castiel had lost, and for a while, it hurt. It ached, felt like something was missing, like a piece of Cas's very self had been ripped from him. It felt like he'd been made lesser, somehow. 

     If he was being honest, it still hurt. Still felt like something was missing.

     But it was a hurt that was beginning to heal. 

     Cas stares at Dean quietly, watching as he hums to song playing on the radio. He nearly giggles as Dean begins to sing, shimmying his hips as he moves the pan on the stove. A ray of sunlight catches his face, illuminating the planes of his face and catching his eyes just right so they seem to glow.

     Cas smiles softly. It's moments like these that make the pain- the feeling of something lost- entirely worth it. He'd do it a thousand times over for more moments like this. It's a peace Cas never knew he needed yet has learned to crave all the same.

     Dean turns, suddenly, jumping a bit before smiling sheepishly at Castiel. "Hey. Mornin', sunshine," he says, and his voice rumbles in a way that makes Cas's entire body warm.  

     "Good morning, Dean," Cas says. 

     Dean simply smiles, pulling out a chair for Cas to sit in. He slides a plate across the counter, waving towards the still-steaming food. "I made breakfast," he says. "There's eggs, bacon, coffee... oh, and pancakes..." 

     Dean's voice trails off a bit as he rambles, but Cas just smiles. "Thank you."

     They each make a plate, and they sit in comfortable silence as they eat. It's taken a while to get where they are, but they're comfortable with each other's presence, now. Rather than talk, sometimes Castiel will just sit next to Dean, and that's how they'll stay. There's no expectation for conversation, only silent companionship. It's an odd sort of intimacy, and Cas still isn't quite sure what it means. 

     Of course, words have never been where either of their strengths lie. 

     Castiel sits across the table from Dean, trying not to stare as he eats. Every so often, Dean will look up, grinning, and Cas's heart stutters. He tries to squash the urge to reach out for Dean- to reach out with both hands and cup his face in his hands. It's a different sort of hurt, the longing. He knows, despite the casual intimacy of this shared breakfast, that the comfortable air between them is fragile. 

     But, sometimes, Cas forgets. 

     Maybe- just maybe- that's why he murmurs a soft "I love you," heart fluttering to an erratic beat in his chest.

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