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Tumblr Prompt: "Coffee Shop AU: iv) you give me a different fake name every time you come into Starbucks and I just want to know your real name because you're cute but here I am scrawling 'batman' onto your stupid cappuccino"

A/N: I made Cas have his own coffee shop that doubles as a bakery sort of thing- so no Starbucks- so Dean could have his pie :)

     The line of impatiently waiting customers was beginning to edge closer to the door- which Castiel knew could (and would) cause a problem- but he couldn't help himself. The man in front of him had, in the past few days, become a regular customer. He'd always order the same thing: a cappuccino, and a slice of Cas's locally famous cherry pie, to go. He'd never eat it in the diner, only collect his order with a smile and walk out.

     It was endearing, in its own way, Cas supposed. Even if cherry pie for a morning meal wasn't exactly something he'd recommend.

     What wasn't endearing was the man's habit of giving a fake name. The first day Cas had met him, the man had made quite an impression, smiling warmly and winking at Cas in a way that made his knees weak. Castiel had smiled back, and asked for a name- purely for the order, of course

     He knew it wasn't professional in the least, but God, he wanted to know this man. He was close- almost too close- and from this distance Cas could see a smattering of light freckles underneath the greenest eyes he'd ever seen. 

     The man had simply smirked at Cas and said, "You're gonna have to work a bit harder than that, darlin'."

     Cas had stammered some excuse about it not being like that, and the man had smiled knowingly the whole time. Cas had scoffed indignantly and crossed his arms, insisting that whatever his 'motives' were, he still needed a name for the man's order. 

     The man paused thoughtfully before answering. "Baby," he'd said. Castiel had raised an eyebrow, and the man had shrugged innocently. "It's the name of my car."

     Cas simply shook his head, smiling. He scrawled the fake name onto a to-go cup, then called for the next customer. He sent the man on his way, hoping he'd see him tomorrow. Someone, somewhere, must have been looking out for Cas, because over the next few days the man became a regular, giving Cas a new fake name each day. 

     The man hummed quietly, tapping his fingers on the counter as Castiel rang up his order. 

     "Name?" Cas asked, daring to hope that today was the day. 

     The man paused, shooting Cas a devilish smirk before replying.

     "Batman," he said huskily, attempting to imitate the comic book character. 

     Cas froze, hand reaching for the man's cup. He whirled to face him, and steel blue eyes met forest green. The man was serious- deadly serious. He doubled over with laughter, not caring about the growing line of customers. 

     "You-" he wheezed. "You can't be serious."

     "I'm not serious," the man protested. "I'm Batman."

     Castiel sighed, reluctantly scrawling today's fake name on the cup. The man chuckled, pausing for a moment- looking at Cas- before turning to walk away from the counter. Castiel watched him walk away for a moment, before the next customer cleared their throat impatiently.

     Once Cas had gotten through the long line of customers, he took his break, leaning against the counter and watching the patrons of the cafe. A lot of couples were there- from younger teens on an awkward first date to elderly couples sitting in quiet, comfortable silence. 

     It made him think of the man from earlier. He'd been hoping to learn his name- and maybe his number too, if Cas was being honest- but his efforts had been for naught.

     Cas heard loud laughter from across the tables, and his eyes landed on two men in one of the cafe's booths. 

     One of the men asked, "Cherry pie, Dean? Really?" 

     "Rabbit food, Sammy? Really?" The other mocked him light-heartedly. 

     Cas froze. The second man- Dean- sounded like the man from earlier. Cas moved closer, under the guise of cleaning the tables. He turned towards their table slowly, and for the second time that day, green eyes met blue. 

     Cas chuckled, sidling up to the table. "Hey, Batman," he drawled. "Dean, is it?"

     The man across from him coughed, clearly trying to hide his laughter. 

     Dean glared across the table, hissing a sharp "Shut up, Sammy" at the man. He looked up at Cas, smiling guiltily. 

     "Yeah, it's Dean," he said. "Um, surprise?"

     Cas laughed, then. Dean looked up, startled, as Cas doubled over for the second time that day. Cas stood back up, still laughing, as Dean simply stared. Castiel wasn't sure if he was imagining it- God, he hoped he wasn't- but he thought Dean's features were dusted with pink. 

     Dean stood up, graciously ignoring his friend's- Sammy's?- laughter. He leaned against the divider that separated the booths and smiled at Cas, one corner of his mouth tilting upward. 

     "So," he started. "Castiel, right? Can I call you Cas?"

     "Sure, Dean."

     Cas was going to ignore the flutter he'd felt when Dean had said his name. It sounded like music, almost- what with Dean's light drawl and the end of his name trailing off into a lilt. The nickname Dean had given him felt comfortable and sweet, and it was endearing in Dean's own unique fashion. 

     Dean smiled softly at him. He paused to grab a pen and napkin off of their table, and briefly scribbled something on it before handing it to Cas. 

     His hands were warm and calloused, and they brushed against Cas's own for what felt like a second longer than necessary- not that Cas minded in the slightest. 

     Dean's eyes fixed on Cas before he spoke. When he did, his voice was confident and shy all at once.  

     "Now, I know you already know my name," Dean began. "But I'd like you to have my number, too."

     Cas shook his head, grinning. He glanced down at the napkin, which read:



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