1. Quackity Just Wanted To Steal, He Didn't Want This Stranger In His House

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Despite the way everything was painted in a great dark blue, shades of grey mixing in at times, despite the time of night. One could see pretty decently, all thanks to the shining moon above their head.

They would see well enough to notice the three figures in the dark alleyway. The figures they were quietly sneaking up on. Well, that Quackity was sneaking up on.

He knows the risks, but he was willing to take them. When most people would hide at night, not wanting to cross paths with the undead at such dark hours, Quackity would walk around. He was careful about it though, never letting his guard down just because no other humans were awake. They weren't even the problem at night. It was making sure to be as quiet as possible and steer clear of the zombies. With those things in mind, the hours of the night could become one's great way to start grinding– collect resources, scout the area, memorise the roads,

And steal from other people.

Quackity's eyes lower to the pack of resources at the man sitting in a basic fold-in camping chair. He's supposed to be keeping an eye open right now, judging by the fact that he was the only one awake and had a gun in his hands.

Quackity couldn't even see what direction the man was looking in due to his shades, that when Quackity squinted his eyes, he could see they were blue and red. Sure he could see at this time of night, but not that well. Not well enough to see which way he was looking.

So Quackity waits in the only hiding spot he could manage, ducked between two dumpsters that were surprisingly not knocked over. This was one thing he didn't like about the whole process of stealing, waiting for the watch guard to go to sleep, and also hoping they don't end up switching with somebody else. So basically, Quackity relied on this stranger's human nature to be too tired to remember to switch out with somebody in his group and fall asleep.

And thankfully, this man was very reliable.

When Quackity hears the new and low noise, he could easily identify it as snoring. Finally.

He steps forward slowly, reminding himself of a kid sneaking around the house late at night. Well, it would have reminded him of a kid if this weren't a bit more serious. This man had a gun. Sure Quackity could probably take him in a fight, judging by the fact he didn't look too much taller than him- and he was a bit bald- not that it meant anything, it was just an observation. But Quackity wouldn't even get that chance to fight if the man used his gun. The one that was still very much in his grasp as he slept.

So he tenses at the sound cracking up from under his shoes. He worries his bottom lip as he tries to move forward and make as little noise as possible. The glass under him made it a bit difficult, but he managed. Now crouching right in front of the sleeping stranger.

There it was. The pack. Right at the man's feet.

Quackity reaches his hands out, tugging on the handles and slowly dragging it closer to him. So far so good.

Yes, so far so- ' Shit .' Quackity knows exactly what the new noise behind him was. So when he turned around to face the low growling of a zombie, he was just disappointed.

He spun his head back around when he heard shuffling. ' Fucking zombie- ' the man was waking up now, eyes widening at Quackity.

"What? Who-" The stranger takes notice of the zombie, and Quackity saw that as an opportunity to yank the pack out fully. No need to be quiet now.

Quackity was about to stand up just as the man gripped onto the pack, and Quackity almost fell onto the still seated man.

So far so so bad. There's a zombie right behind them, stepping closer each second as Quackity tried to take this person's resources.

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