9. In A Moment, This Moment

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A//N: YOO the talented Tired_MOTH_Author on ao3 and wattpad has made a short comic of this fanfic!! I love it so much, please go check it out:

Ao3:  archiveofourown.org/works/39620721/chapters/105282504

Wattpad:  https://www.wattpad.com/1272131465-one-shot-%2B-art-book-mcyt-13-tnt-duo-fanart-for

Tommy sighs with contentment, being able to feel fully relaxed for the first time in a long time. He carefully turns the jar around, getting a better view of his eight-legged friend that's crawling away from sight.

"Oh, Shroud," Tommy coos playfully, getting on his knees to see better as he laughs lightly. "Are you shy of Wilbur and Quackity, Shroud?"

Tommy waits as the spider stops, fuzzy and black contrasting with the bright green leaves it's living in. Tommy still remembers placing Shroud right on the stand next to the couch before quickly claiming the couch as his own. Since then, Shroud's been watching the three of them from the comfort behind the glass jar that Wilbur demanded Shroud stay in.

But Wilbur isn't here, he's standing outside of the apartment doorway and "sorting some things" as he said it. So Tommy twists off the lid gently, grabbing the wooden twig with two fingers and waiting for his lovely friend to climb on.

"Come on, they're not even here," Tommy says with encouragement, grinning as Shroud crawls onto the twig, settling in as Tommy lifts it out of the jar. "Now, just because we're living somewhere new doesn't mean the rules have changed, you still have a time limit for how long you can be out of the jar, okay?"

Shroud remains still on the twig, Tommy sighing before hovering a finger over the furry insect. "If you weren't a spider I would have said you need a haircut, Shroud."

And Tommy expects the reaction he gets, Shroud crawling backwards at the mention of a haircut. Ew, absolutely no way. Tommy knows Shroud doesn't like even the idea of haircuts, so he holds back a laugh. "So predictable."

Shroud tilts on the thick twig, leaning to the side and Tommy watches with amusement. He absolutely loves Shroud, the spider is such a joy to have around, which is obvious seeing as there wouldn't be any other reason Tommy would be carrying around such a large glass jar if Shroud isn't. He lets Shroud crawl onto his hand, each eight leg tickling his palm and fingers.

Shroud is around two and a half inches from head to... what is that part? Tommy doesn't actually know much about spiders. He just knows he's thankful enough to find a particularly big jar to hold Shroud safe at his side.

But the moment comes to a stop as the door creaks open, Wilbur humming something before eyeing the crawly furball in Tommy's hand. Wilbur's face drops. "What the fuck Tommy?"

Tommy tries not to panic as Shroud startles at the intrusion, crawling up Tommy's sleeve and making Wilbur step back before he groans with annoyance.

"I hope it crawls up into your fucking ear, I said to keep that spider in the glass," Wilbur says rather rudely, crossing his arms despite the slight fear his eyes betray. Tommy huffs, ignoring him and reaching up to capture Shroud.

"I hope he bites you," Tommy retorts, managing to take hold of Shroud and place him back in the jar. Shroud seems much better in the jar, not even attempting to escape as Tommy grabs the lid and screws it on.

"Well maybe I hope so too," Wilbur grumbles with a sharpness that makes Tommy pause before going silent and looking away because darn, Wilbur really is a mood.

At least, in Tommy's words. For the first time he's using that phrase unironically and not sarcastically. Ever since he met the guy, Wilbur doesn't seem to be a happy man in the slightest. Which is fair seeing as it's the actual fucking apocalypse, but also not because Wilbur just has never smiled, not once. Whenever he talks, especially to Tommy himself, he seems uninterested or upset and Tommy even says sad too.

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