^Chapter 4^

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It's been two months since Emily and her kids have moved into this new house of theirs.

And it has also been two months since Emily heard that weird faint voice that still gave her nightmares till this day, August 28th 2019.

"Good morning sunshine, what would you like to eat today Anna," said Emily as she blasted music in her kitchen while dancing and twirling around in her new dress.

What music was she blasting, you may ask?

Bad guy.

Which was released previously that same year and was very trendy, literally her current favorite song.

"Pancakes!!" yelled Anna as she clapped her hands in excitement.

"Okay! Go upstairs and wake up your siblings while I make them," said Emily as Anna nodded in agreement and walked up the stairs.

Meanwhile, Emily was grabbing all the ingredients for homemade pancakes while singing the lyrics to her song.

"I'm that bad type, make your mama sad type..."

"Make your girlfriend mad tight, might seduce your dad type," said Emily as she went towards her refrigerator to get the needed milk for the recipe.

"I'm the baaaad guy, DUH," said Emily upon opening her refrigerator as 6 items flew out of it.

The items weren't even on the edge of the refrigerator to begin with!

If that wasn't weird enough, her new phone that she had gotten after not finding her old one was stuck on the word duh as "uuuuuuuuuuuuuh" sounded as background noise in the kitchen.

"What the f*ck!??" said Emily out loud as she bent down to pick up her 3 apples, two big "with most likely weeks old" food containers, and a bottle of juice.

As Emily stood back up, her eyes went wide upon seeing something she never thought she would ever be seeing again.

The cup of coffee that Corey had given her two months ago on the night her kids were supposedly kidnapped.

*Flashback to that night*

"Ummm, thanks again for the coffee and taxi and everything," said Emily as she looked away to prevent Corey seeing her blush for the 15th time that night.

They were currently outside as Emily waited for her taxi to arrive.

"Your welcome," said Corey as he scratched the back of his neck.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you get to this side of the city without a vehicle?"

"Actually, I have a car but it ran out of fuel and is parked down the street currently," responded Emily as Corey nodded his head.

"Ah I see. Do you mind if I fill it up with fuel and bring it to your house? It's almost midnight in a few minutes and that's when I close this shop down for the day," said Corey as Emily's eyes went wide with amusement and surprise.

"You'd actually do all that, for me??" said Emily as she laughed at his attempt to make a joke.

"I'm serious. Just give me your car keys and I'll make sure to," said Corey as he looked at Emily in her eyes and ran his hand through his hair.

Emily didn't know whether or not to give Corey the car keys.

After all, she just met him over half an hour ago.

She shouldn't have easily trusted a stranger, but she did.

Emily saw honesty behind Corey's eyes as they stared deep into her own.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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