Attack Of The Fuzzballs

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Lexi and Rory walked into the Loonatics headquarters holding a new pet called a Fuzz-z

Lexi: Hey look what we got!

Rory: aren't they cute?

Ace walked up to them

Ace: What is that? Did you buy a new cotton tail?

Lexi: No it's a fuzz-z. come mon bio pets are only the coolest trends ever hit Acmetropolis.

Ace: what do you hit it with?

Lexi: You don't hit it you love it.

Rory: it's called a pet.

Danger Duck: Hold it right there! How did you get a hold of one of these anyway? My fuzz-z's been on back order for weeks. Are you sure this isn't supposed to be mine?

Lexi: back off Duck. Zozo is mine

Danger Duck: Zozo?

Rory: I like it

Duck took Rory's Fuzz-z instead

Danger Duck: then this one must be mine

Rory took her pet out of his hands

Rory: your not having Zee ether

Danger Duck: Z?

Rory: no. Zee with two E's at the end. Just like zee zatara

Everyone just stared at her because No one new who that was

Rory: from DC? The justice league? Never mind.

Danger Duck: how did you buy a fuzz-z anyway? Your only 13

Rory: I'm 14 actually and I have plenty of money saved up. Nora did you get one?

Nora stopped working on a blueprint for an invention with tech to talk to Rory

Nora: no. I don't have time to take care of a pet but it is cute

She got back to work then Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: You're not going to believe this one Loonatics. there's a situation in South Acmetropolis that requires your attention. A residential zone in the fourth quadrant seems to have a giant spider problem.

Rory: spiders?!

Zadavia: This family barely escaped with their lives.

Rory tired not to panic

Tech: Species? Origins?

Zadavia: Unknown and unknown.

Rory started to panic even more

Danger Duck: Forget where it came from. Where's it going? it's not coming here is it?

Zadavia: The plan was for you to go there. I'll transfer coordinates and transit. Zadavia out

The hologram disappeared

Ace: She gets to go out and we get to battle mutant spiders. Let's jet!

Rory: ...why did it have to be spider?


The Loonatics put on there jet packs but Ace saw Rory holding Zee

Ace: maybe the Fuzz-z Rory

Rory: Can she come with us?

Ace: how about no

Rory: ok

Ace and Rory took off but Rory Zee inside her jet pack


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