A Creep In The Deep

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The loonatics were enjoying a day at sea using techs new boat

Tech: with my superior knowledge of aqua dynamics it was no challenge to build the ultimate watercraft. with a top up it'll make four hundred knots under water

Rev: Whydotheycallitknotsanyway?Icanmakereal knotsaslipknotadoubleknotwindsorknotahalfinch knotadoublehalfknotaforgetmenot

Tech: Speaking of knots that was highly elucidating. Not!

Rory: don't listen to him rev I thought I it was interesting

Rev: thanksandthat'sonlyafewoftheknotsIknow!

Danger Duck This is the life. Out at sea perched on the rail of a ship after all I am a waterfowl.

Nora and Lexi were both seasick

Lexi: Foul is the word for it alright. I've never felt so sea sick in my life!

Nora: that makes two of us. This is one of the reasons why I hate water...

Suddenly something hit the boat hard causing Duck to fall in the water but tech was able to control it again

Rory: is everyone ok?

Ace: What's going on? What turned the boat?

Lexi: Not to mention my stomach...

Nora: does anyone have a barf bag?

Rev: thatwascloseIhaven'tbeenthatscaredsinceIwent onthejetslalomattheAcmetropoliswaterparkofcourse atthewaterparkweweren'tabouttoplowintoafullsized oceanliner

Rory: wait there's a Acmetropolis water park? We have to go there at some point!

Tech: It appears that's not our biggest concern!

A giant whirlpool was sucking in a Cruz ship

Lexi: Since when do whirlpools form around ships?

Ace: Since now

Duck teleported back on the ship

Danger Duck: hey guys guess what else is cool about-

He saw the cruz ship sinking

Danger Duck: did I miss something?

People on the cruise were able to make it to safety using life boats

Rory: it's a good thing everyone is ok

Rev saw Dolphins in the ocean

Rev: lookatthosedolphinsaren'ttheycuteyouknow
therearestoriesaboutthemsavingsailersfightingoff sharksandjumpingthroughhoopsthewaterparks

Ace: why got to find what's going on with that whirlpool

Tech: I think we should pay Zadavia a visit


The loonatics arrived at Zadavia's home which was under water

Zadavia: There have been several reports of mysterious attacks at sea.

She showed them what was happening on a screen

Zadavia: Disappearing oil rigs light houses ships oceanography stations and even small land masses. The size or weight of the structure doesn't seem to matter

Ace: What's gotten into those whales? They're swimming in formation and causing the whirlpool. those dolphins are on the scene every time

Lexi: There was something weird about them. It sounded like that dolphin was talking

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