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Hello, hello, hello

Here with the first chapter of all this

Well, I hope your story catches your attention.

Because I'm going to put a lot of heart into her.

Well, good


。 ☆☆★━━━━━✪☠︎︎━━━━━★★☆。

His first words...

They were "I love you, Daddy"

One would think that we would go from the beginning, from what happened at the university, etc.

But we'd better leave that for later.

After all, that's not the important thing, it will be later now we are about to see something that is really important.


It was a quiet morning, to be exact it was a special day for a certain Rocker duo, today was the day of the light auditions and well a little boy who woke up early and was even more excited than both adults.

"PAAAAA WAKE UP!" said the little boy, hovering on his father's sleeping body (poor!)

-AH! I'm awake. I'm awake. What's going on?

-It's today it's TODAAAAAYYY!-

-...- I looked at the clock that was on his bedside table and saw the time "5:43 .am" -Harun please... It's very early to go back to bed.

"Why so much -sweak- fuss...?- said the guitarist who looked down rubing her eyes

-Oooooi! It's just that Dad is lazy! Today is the hearing of lights! And it's better to be ready early than late!

-Harun is very early, the audition is -sweed- at night only... Go back to sleep...- said the guitarist resettling at the top of the bunk bed.

-But... but... jum!- iso a little pot when he saw that no one paid attention to him.

"If you go back to sleep, I'll buy you an ice cream..." said a drowsy Zuke as he settled down again

-Ah!?, - feigned blow- suddenly I have a lot of sleep ASME SPACE- said the boy jumping back to bed and crushing his father's poor and tired body.

The hours went by until they woke up again, more rested and fresh.

-8:30 am-

-Big yawn- ugh I'm a little excited!! Wooo- said the guitarist combing the boy's hair to make him a cute ponytail

"Indeed May, today we are history, after breakfast..." Zuke said equally excited in the kitchen with a blue apron that said "I'm a daddy in the kitchen."

And I will be able to see them and learn more!!! Isn't Aunt May?

"If dwarfs, when we become super famous NSR artists, I will tell everyone that we have a small candidate and there you will be!"

The little boy's eyes shone like a couple of stars - you heard Dad! You will be stars AND SO WILL I!

"Hey, hey, hey, you're not going to go."


-Son, only the contestants can go, you can't go, besides... I don't think it's a good idea...- the boy was a little discouraged, which his father gave him a smile and said - hey, don't put on that long face! You are going to stay here with Ellie and eat ice cream while you watch us on TV.

"If you dwarf, your daddy and I are going to be on TV and you can cheer us up with Ellie!"

As a child he was a little encouraged and smiled and went straight with the little alligator to load it, now happy - you're right! Ellie and I are going to scream so loud that you are going to listen to us from the auditions!

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