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~Bad reputation~

The young 27-year-old adult was denying and coming out of the alley completely annoyed for having lost against his older brother, once again, because when they were children west he used to beat him in various things

One of them was his spontaneous rap battles.

–AAARG! Damn how I hate West and his... Detestable! Way of being! - he said annoyed while scratching his head from stress

"Now Zuke, don't get so angry about that, what surprises me the most is how I talk about your upbringing about Harun in the song," he replied as he patted Zuke on the head so that he could relax a little. "irresponsible father"... how dares, the one who doesn't have children also says it..." Mayday

Zuke just sighed and rubbed where he received the blow - May you think I'm really a bad father?, I say I do everything in my power to make Harun happy... - he said in a discouraged tone as he walked to the street where the sewer was.

"I think you're an exemplary father, maybe not the most perfect but you're a better father than me taking care of Ellie, I mean, I haven't taken a walk in 2 weeks and I always convince you that it's your turn to do it."


-Aww thank you may- ... Mayday! - this one pushed her with an annoying expression while the blonde began to laugh and being that laugh so contagious, the one with painted tips began to laugh too

A short but at the same time long walk, they arrived at the sewer where they saw Aunt coming out of there, because the children were asleep and Kliff was taking care of them, even though more than taking care of them he had fallen asleep on the strategy table to plan his next attack on NSR

Both changed and got ready to sleep, because tomorrow would be another heavy day, in which they would have to prepare to fight with the next artist, they had to be well rested and strong at the same time Zuke had to be prepared for the next morning...


The sun's rays barely touched the buildings of the music city for that Zuke was trying to maintain control, failing in a very pathetic way.

"Louis, please brush your teeth, oh oh Damián, wait in a moment. I'll prepare your special breakfast, Harun, are you sure you finished your homework?" The only thing the blue-haired man thanked was that that that day was Friday and the next morning he would no longer have to get up excessively early to take his son and his son's friends to

Getting going once everything was ready, he got on the three creatures on his motorcycle/Vespa, and set out on the road, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Apart from some graffiti made by BBJ fans, and also posters and people throwing garbage and other things at some NSR posters, Zuke is grateful to have a helmet at that time so that they didn't see it, because although he was defending a good cause he did not completely agree with excessive vandalism, obviously not like Mayday who promoted it to the people who went to his concerts

Returning again to the blue-haired man, he had arrived at his destination, leaving the children at school and taking off his helmet and I managed to see Bonny maybe who looked worried, when she saw him she ran to him to tell him something.

-Zuke Zuke, it's good that you arrive I need to talk to you...- the children didn't get into the conversation and just left and went to school -oh bonny good morning what's going on?-

Look, Zuke, I have bad news for you... Believe me, I tried to do everything I could to stop them but they didn't let me give my opinion... - when I was about to explain the situation, some teachers and the principal himself who was going with the little blond boy by the hand came out to see the man with blue hair

"Mr. Losbon, what a surprise to see you today, could you join us for a moment?" Zuke intrigued looked at Bonny who seemed worried and trying to warn him with her eyes.


-EXPULSED?! - I screamed indignantly as he watched the papers of the boy who was sitting next to his daddy, and he looked a little sad

"My look, Mr. Zuke, I will be honest with you, your son is very intelligent, he is very creative, and of the least advanced grades he is one of the best, but unfortunately we can't let him continue in this school..."

That's exactly why you can tell me why he's being expelled?!

The director let out a long sigh and took off his glasses to leave them on the desk - Mr. Zuke, you know that Harun is a good boy and very educated and of course we don't throw him out because he is a rude or messy child... It's for you...

Zuke this one was surprised and before speaking the director interrupted him.

- look at this school is a private school not only private, if not, this school is very recognized by the entire district, and everything that has to do with school income is related to NSR and more specifically with the golden prodigy, yinu, because this is your district, thanks to your mother, more than anything, we have the money for scholarships and school repairs... And the fact that the son of a person who is trying to "break" the system, is studying here gives us a bad image...–


–But... But they can't do this to me! It's not even your fault, please, Mr. Director, tell me something you can--

"No, Mr. Zuke, we can't let people know that the son of a "criminal" is studying in a school as he is, except for one in the wing, one of the NSR Elites graduated, so please I ask you to retire."

Zuke won't be able to believe it, he could be more angry than ever, but in reality he felt guilty that really because of him his son could continue studying, he could go to another school, but he really didn't have money for that, because bonny was the one who moved papers and did favors for Harían to enter, and the only money he really spent

Once out of school, Zuke was walking to his motorcycle with the papers in hand with such an expressionless face that you couldn't tell if he was angry, sad, or even disappointed.

Harun slowly raised his little head since the whole way was with his little head gacha


Zuke jumped when he realized that they were talking to him - oh! Yes, my prince?

"I'm a bad boy because they expelled me?" he said with a sad face and watery eyes, breaking his daddy's heart when he saw him.

What do you say, my prince? This is not your fault, it is... A misunderstanding, then it will be solved - the boy smiled slightly and hugged his daddy who didn't believe even half of his words - it's okay... - the baby lowered his head again in a sad way

Once back in the sewer and after seeing Mayday angry and almost breaking something after telling him they were calm trying to forget the bitter day eating some hamburgers

Until the calm ended faster than it seemed, Kliff spoke.

"Zuke, Mayday, come on, we must talk about the next artist."

"That's weird, this time it took you less time to get the information," Mayday said, jumping up from the couch.

"Oh, I haven't finished research yet, but I need us to talk about this because the next artist goes up in levels of difficulty because of what I'm seeing..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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