The end of your beautiful romance

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I wake up curled next to the man I have been courting for years, lord farquaad. I have loved that man for years adoring him from afar longing to be more together then just a school girl crush, and finally I have succeeded.

Is it because of the way his black hair is lightly puffed up or is it his manly chest hair, either way this is the man I'm attracted to.

~Few years later~

"GERALD GET OFF THE COFFEE TABLE" My son hops off the table frowning a little bit I hate when he does that because he looks just like his father. My lover lord farquaad died a year ago in a gruesome fight with an ogre it broke my kids hearts that a ogre could look them dead in the eyes and rip his head off. I feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I think about it I miss him so much and now I'm all alone to take care of all his and my kids, 5 of them to be exact, 3 girls 1 boys and 1 gender neutral that I love dearly. I will forever want revenge for what that ogre did, but I must stay strong for my children. My life will never be the happy ever ending so if that's what you were expecting I'm sorry.

Author note: Hello Kori here, if you read this I apologize because yes. Honestly I had fun writing this lol bye 👌

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