One Last Dance

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Chapter II: One Last Dance

Her mouth moves as if she says something, any sound being blocked by the loud music in the room... Every nerve in my body makes me freeze where I am, unable to think of what to do or say. Every step she takes to approach me makes my heart panic even more. You were why I avoided this city... Why would you be here? Every part of me screams to do something. Run? Yell? I spent so long trying to get you out of my mind... Just for you to show up now of all days. Why can't the universe let me forget you?

"Adagio?" her innocent voice calls out to me, curious eyes locked with mine as she walks towards me. Instinctively, I take a step back, trying to make myself move. She can't be here. Not a thing has changed about her since then. The exact same do-good attitude and innocent smile on her face. Nothing has changed. It has to be my imagination... Please just be my imagination. Her hand gives me a small wave as she quickens her pace, closing the distance between us as fast as she can. Nope. This isn't my imagination... "Adagio?" she uses my name once more, trying to make sure it's actually me... Why couldn't this have been a masquerade?

Taking another couple steps away from her, I turn around and instantly start walking deeper into the crowd as fast as I can. I can't talk to her now... It's been way too long and there's nothing to be said. She means nothing to me and... It's just going to hurt more if I see her for a second more. "You have to get out of here, Adagio," I whisper to myself, holding my arm tightly. I can feel my eyes watering as I walk away, despite my attempts to breathe.

"Adagio? Hold on, please?" Sunset's voice calls out behind me, still on my trail. Just leave me alone... Why can't I just move on? No matter what I do, the universe itself always tries to remind me... To push me towards those memories... Wiping my eyes as quickly as I can to keep my composure, I feel someone grab onto my hand, instinctively looking back and seeing her eyes once more. "Adagio, it really is you~" she states with that same smile I once knew so well...

"Let go of me," I instantly state, pulling my arm from her grasp and trying to walk away from her.

"Wait, please! I just want to talk to you," Sunset pleads with me, following right behind without catching the hint.

"What is there to catch up on? Hi, I'm Adagio and I've been doing jack shit!" I respond in a harsh tone, refusing to look her in the eyes again. She's already taken enough of my time as it is...

"Would it really hurt you to slow down and have one chat? It's been so long since... we've seen each other," Sunset states in a more insecure tone than before, still following right behind me as I make my way towards the exit of the auditorium.

"And maybe that was for a good fucking reason." A heavy sigh exits my lips, trying to convince myself that this is just a bad dream. "Just leave me alone."

"Why are you so against talking to me? It's been so long, I thought that maybe you would be willing to talk again and all?" her all too innocent voice tries to reason with me, trying to have one talk with me. She's always been pushy. She's always been convincing and persuading, but I really don't want to talk to her...

"Oh, I don't know. It may have to do with the fact that you and I used to be lovers... That doesn't exactly mix well, now does it?" I harshly remark, scoffing at Sunset's attempts to talk to me. Before I can make it to the door of the auditorium, Sunset grabs my hand again, walking around me to force our eyes to connect again.

"I know. I know. That can certainly be awkward, but... I just can't believe you're here and all~ I was hoping that we could catch up since it's been a while~" Forcing my hand from her grasp, I close my eyes and take a deep sigh, trying to avoid the urge to make a scene by yelling at her.

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