Reliving Memories

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Chapter III: Reliving Memories

Of course, the most recent set of activities and Q&A turned out to be really boring, but it was once again mandatory. Thankfully, everything they have during this convention takes place during the night time, so it's not that difficult to try and catch up on sleep during the day. Tonight, though, may be different. For some reason, I promised my time to her... I promised to let her speak her piece tonight with me, but I don't know how long that will take. The worst part is that I know my heart is going to hurt again, just like last night... As nice as the dance felt, it hurts on the inside. I don't know why... I shouldn't even feel anything considering she's just a stranger now. Though, it's hard to say she's a stranger considering the fact that she hasn't changed that much... I knew I drank too much whiskey. That has to be the reason I was stupid enough to let her dance with me and convince me to talk. What the hell does she even have to say after all this time? There's not much to say... Every word is just going to bring back more memories.

Cupping some water in my hands, I gently wash my face with a sigh leaving my lips, glad to finally be out of my dress. The white t-shirt I threw on has some light wrinkles on it, making it look used. The pajama pants I have on have taco prints all over it due to it being a birthday present from Sonata. She seems to love those kinds of things... As soon as she sees something that can show her love for tacos or burritos, she's willing to buy it. Unfortunately, that means the tablecloth we have at our apartment also has a similar print.

A knock at the door of my room can barely be heard from here, but it causes me to take a deep breath regardless. "Just a moment!" I call out, brushing the hair out of my face. It's showtime... Just take deep breaths and you'll get through this. It's fine... Walking out of the bathroom, I close my eyes for a moment, thinking of what this night is going to hold for the both of us... Grabbing the doorknob quietly, I unlock the door, feeling my nerves fire up throughout my body. A part of me feels like I'm going to throw up, but I try to resist the nerves, taking another breath before twisting the doorknob.

Looking outside, my eyes can immediately recognize the figure standing before me, her smile and kind gaze still present. Surprisingly, she's still dressed in her formal red dress, meaning she either wasted no time in coming here or she wanted to look punctual, making me feel underdressed. I mean, it's my room, so I suppose it doesn't really matter. "Hey, Adagio~ May I come in?" Sunset asks as politely as she can, holding her own hand. Opening the door wider and stepping to the side, I bring my hand out, gesturing for her to walk in.

"Make yourself at home," I quietly respond, closing the door behind her and making sure to lock it. Sunset's eyes look around the hotel room, nodding slowly at her surroundings with a slight chuckle.

"It doesn't seem you unpacked that much, huh?"

A slow scoff leaves my mouth, followed by my own chuckle. "I didn't see much reason to do that. I'm only going to be here for five days." My words make Sunset's gaze return to me with a confused expression, her eyes slightly wider.

"Wait. Five days? But the convention lasts seven days," Sunset states in a confident and confused manner, her eyes still watching me as I walk by her towards my bed.

"They didn't need me to be here for the last couple days, so I am going to leave earlier. It's not that hard to understand." Honestly, it makes me think whether or not Sunset is going to be here for the full seven days. If so, then there shouldn't be some awkward goodbye. That's a good thing...

Opening the window's curtains and sitting down on my bed, I look towards Sunset, beckoning her to come sit beside me. It's best to get this done with as soon as possible to avoid any unnecessary pain... "So, you're leaving the day after tomorrow...?" Sunset slowly asks me, taking a seat next to me. Despite her gaze, I keep my eyes on the night sky and the landscape shown from outside my window.

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