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You're probably thinking, the book title sounds like total bullshit, but may I switch up the flow?
  I live a life where I seem left out, alone, different and a whole other big ass boat of emotions. But the question for myself is.. Is that actually how I feel? You know I really can't tell because I spend most of my purest time.. Being angry. Although it didn't start here, It all started in 8th grade. The day was going smoothly. It was around 3:00 then, so I'd have been in my sixth class of the day. "Cases of Andromeda have burst every where out here in Sorek" is what the tv said. I always found the news interesting but this particular live news take, didn't put a dent on my big thinking head, and I'm always..thinking!

"Mr.laurice, I heard that the people in Sorek where eating bats and that's how it spread." A girl in my class said. I don't blame her for saying that either. Sorek people are literally known for eating wild shit. Who the hell wants to eat bats, roaches or even dogs and cats?? May just be a stereotype, but some actually do it, and record it too! They call it, Mukbangs ,weird right? I try not to let that Andromeda shit bother me because it's the last day until spring break. Me and my  family are going to get our groove on down in Euphoria, Ardrisauce.

-Soft Knocks sound the door-
" Breanna Brently ready to go home please". Y'all know I was excited.  I was skipping down them nasty school hallways and pushed open the doors of pure spring break FREEDOM!

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