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Monday, the 27th of March, 2023

Olyvia woke up from her slumber and looked at her clock. It was 8.42 AM and she had to go to work at 9. She was late !!!!

She got dressed as fast as possible, brushed her teeth and jumped on her bike and rode to school

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She got dressed as fast as possible, brushed her teeth and jumped on her bike and rode to school. She didn't have time to eat her breakfast so she ate it on the way.
She got off her bike and ran through the entrance door. People were whispering as she passed them but she didn't care, she couldn't be late on her first day.

When she arrived at her classroom door it was 9.05 AM, she wasn't that late. The year sevens were waiting for her. She took out her keys from her skirt pocket and opened the door. When she looked at her desk, she saw Dev Patel sitting on it. She forgot about him.
The annoying year seven asked her who it was. She of course didn't tell him, only the principal and Ceridwen knew about him.

"Is he your boyfriend?", he asked while laughing.

Olyvia looked at him with wide eyes. Of course it wasn't. It was just some dude that was supposed to monitor her. She couldn't tell them that because they didn't know she went to prison.

"It isn't", she replied harshly

"But you have a crush on him..... Hey everyone, the teacher has a crush on the assistant!", he exclaimed.

First of all, why assistant? Second, she didn't have a crush on him. He was just handsome but that didn't matter! He was annoying and she didn't need him to be here. Fuck him.
Olyvia yelled at him for disrespecting the assistant, she went along with it. The bell rang and the year sevens left the classroom.
When the year tens came into the classroom they all rushed to her and hugged her because they missed her.

When they all sat down, Ed Sheeran asked her a personal question. He did that 20 years ago and He still does it, I guess that just goes to show that some people never change. She listened to him nonchalantly. This time, Ed Sheeran wanted to know about Olyvia's dating life.
Olyvia was already annoyed by that stupid year seven and Ed's question was the straw that broke the camel's back. She was so frustrated, she took out her axe from her tote bag and chopped Ed's head off.

The astonishing thing was that Ed kept talking. Tyler the Creator, Olyvia's savior, threw Ed's body through the window because he was annoyed.
But the head was still in the classroom, so he broke a branch of a tree through the window and stuck Ed's head on it.

He couldn't hold the stick forever so he said "I AM AN ALPHA MALE !" and then made a hole in the table with his bare hands and stuck the stick on it. He then fixed the window he had broken and saved the day.

Ed Sheeran stopped talking for the rest of the hour. He was too scared to speak. The whole hour was a nightmare, he lost his body and now he was stuck on a stick in a table. In addition, that detective guy didn't care about that, he only seemed to gaze lovingly at Olyvia's face. He was sending her signals and everyone could see it except her.

The bell rang. The next class were the year sevens (again). Everyone left the classroom when the bell rang and Ed was begging everyone to take him with them but they couldn't hear him (that's what he thought, at least).
Olyvia joined Ed in begging them to take Ed with them, she didn't want her to continue asking questions and the year sevens would be terrified if they saw her. But they still didn't listen. "I'll give you all 2 cents" she yelled. They couldn't hear her anymore. What a shame.

When the year sevens entered the classroom, they didn't notice the head because they were too busy being stupid. When the person who was sitting at the table where the head was, actually realized there was something else on the table except the dictionary, he let out a high pitched scream.

Olyvia wasn't that proud to admit that she enjoyed seeing the horror on the student's face, turns out the student was the annoying year seven, serves you right Dude.

Then as if on cue, blood began dripping from Ed's neck. The shock and terror on the year seven's face was too much and both Olyvia and Ed began laughing at him

 The shock and terror on the year seven's face was too much and both Olyvia and Ed began laughing at him

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He ran out of the room, crying.

"Come back!!", shouted Ed. He didn't listen.

Meanwhile, Ceridwen was about to open the door and apologize for reporting her to the police. She just wanted Olyvia to be her friend again. She missed her. She opened the door a few inches and peaked inside. What she saw was terrifying.
Olyvia was talking to a HEAD. Not any head, Ed's head. THAT WAS WHY SHE WASN'T IN CLASS TODAY!!

Olyvia thought she saw something and looked at the door. Ed sensed that something was wrong but she couldn't turn her head, for a second she thought she had her body back. Stupid axe, she thought.

Olyvia walked carefully towards the door. She then stopped, she was being paranoid, no one would spy on her, she wasn't in prison anymore. She was about to ask something to the head when she heard a shriek. She ran to the door and opened it widely. Ceridwen was looking at her with wide eyes.

They stared at each other for a few minutes. Olyvia had mixed feelings. On the one hand, the person in front of her was the one that sent her to prison, on the other hand, Olyvia did kill Ceridwen's husband. After a lengthy internal battle, she chose to forgive her and to apologize.

"I'm sorry", they both said at the same time.

They looked into each other's eyes, Olyvia could see that Ceridwen was sorry and vice-versa. They hugged.

"What's going on?? I can't see, I don't have a neck anymore!", yelled Ed.

"Olyvia could you close the door? It's hard to speak with the stupid yelling.", Ceridwen asked.

"Of course"

The door closed and Ed was never heard from again, or so they thought...

"Would you like to catch up over a drink this evening?", Olyvia asked.

Ceridwen agreed. Olyvia went to her penthouse and told Tom that she was going out that night. Tom, who had no friends, begged Olyvia to let him come with her. She was reluctant at first but agreed in the end.

At 11.30 PM, Tom and Olyvia went in their limousine that they bought with the millionaire's money and drove to the biggest bar and club of the city. She didn't know why Ceridwen requested to go there, it wasn't really her scene. Olyvia knew she was going to be very tired the day after.

They were lucky to be the first in line so they could have a table. The two best friends sat next to each other and waited for Ceridwen to arrive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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