11- breaking heart

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Rebekah shoots up from Eleven's bed. She hisses in pain clutching her ribs. Peter comes into the room and looks at her. "Don't ask." She says standing up. "Shit." She groans and almost falls but he steadies her. "You good?" "Yes." Rebekah says and he lets go.

She walks into the living room and everyone looks at her. "So Steve and Robin were definitely taken by Russians. Dustin and Erica are the nerds on the case and they're finding their way out." Rebekah explains clapping her hands at the beginning. "Steve looks worse then he did when Billy beat his ass, y'all remember that right? Max's terrible driving?" Rebekah says and Max flips her off. "I didn't think it could be any worse then that." Lucas says. "Oh, it's bad. Like, Billy beat his ass three times." Rebekah says and Mike pulls a face. "That sucks ass." "Wait, did you call my sister a nerd? She'll kill you for that." Lucas says and Rebekah shrugs.

"Dustin ain't dead." Rebekah shrugs and Lucas shakes his head in disbelief. "That little shit has balls on him." Peter says and Rebekah nods.

Eleven searches for everyone and Rebekah stares at Billy's picture. "He looks adorable." Rebekah sighs quietly. Eleven wipes her nose and Rebekah leaves the room. "Okay, can you guys settle an argument for us? Who do you think should decide El's limits? Mike or Eleven?" "The way that you frame that is such bullshit." "It's not bullshit, Mike. That is your whole problem. And it's also precisely the reason why she dumbed your ass." Max says. "El dumped you?" Nancy asks. "Yeah, because she is conspiring against me. She's corrupting her." "No, enlightening her. The fact is, she's not yours. She's her own person, fully capable of making her own decisions." "She's risking her life for no reason." Mike exclaims.

"Mike!" Rebekah yells getting his attention. "You're trying to tell me, that my boyfriend means nothing?! How would you feel feel if it was Ellie being forced to murder people. And the fact that you're sitting here trying to control my sister is besides the point. Ellie is her own goddamn person and she's capable of making her own fucking decisions. So tell me again, my boyfriend means nothing and I will fucking kill you." Rebekah snaps throwing a cup at him. "Say it again, Michael. I bloody dare you." Rebekah says and storms out of the cabin. She hears Mike continuing to go off about how 'El's not a machine'.

Rebekah slams open the door and spins Mike around, grabbing his shirt pinning him to the wall. "Wha- Bex!" Peter shouts. "You're right Eleven's not a machine but right now, she is the only hope I have of getting the father of my child back." Rebekah rants and Mike pushes forward only to be slammed back into the wall. "And if you stand in the way of my daughter getting to meet her father, I will murder you! Snap your fucking neck! Make you beg for your bloody life. I will kill you Wheeler I swear to god. If only you knew what happened in that lab that night. Fully!" Rebekah yells and Peter wraps his arms around her waist pulling her off the boy. "I will kill you, Mike!" Rebekah yells. "Let's go take a cold shower." Peter says taking her into the bathroom. He turns on the shower and pushes her in it.

He holds her under the water for a good two minutes. "I'm good, I'm good." She says and he turns off the shower handing her a towel. She steps out of the bathtub and they walk out. "El found him." Max says. "Cool." Rebekah whispers and everyone looks at her worriedly.

"I need a minute." Rebekah says and walks into Elevens room slamming the door with her powers. She stands in front of the mirror and looks at her collarbones, they were starting to fade but the hickeys were still there. She grabs her bag and takes out all the Polaroids. She flips through them, crying.

"I can do this." She tells herself and walks back out of the room. "You okay?" Mike asks. "I'm sorry about that. I'm gonna lose him and I know it. And I shouldn't have took it out on you I'm so sorry, Mike." She cries, dropping her head.

Peter wraps his arms around her and she brings her up, wrapping them around his neck.

They turn on the TV to static and El puts the blindfold on. Rebekah fidgets with her hands. "He's on his bed, staring at a picture." Eleven says. "Which picture?" "No. Don't look. It's probably nothing interesting." Rebekah says but El already did. "Jeez, Bex." "I told you not look. He always stares at that picture." Rebekah whispers the last part. Eleven starts to hyperventilate. "Somethings wrong." Mike says and Rebekah gets into El's head.

"He has her arm. He let go and she's falling. There's flashes of what happened. It doesn't look good. He wrecked his car. Eleven fell into water. The beach. He told me about this beach. Ellie stands up and looks around. She's fine. It's Mary. She's watching him. Mary's beautiful. She's looking behind Ellie. Little Billy runs up with his little surfboard. They're happy. He says the wave was at least seven feet. Mary says it almost gave her heart attack. Billy asks for ten minutes and Mary tells him no more then that or Neil's going to be mad. He grabs his surfboard and runs back into the water. He was so happy. It's a memory. We see the source. We're walking to it. We pass Billy and Neil arguing about baseball. It's just memories of Neil, Billy and Mary fighting. There's one of them fighting over me. Billy hit him. Neil punches him back. Billy's on the ground. Billy told him to watch his mouth when he talks about me. He told Neil that he loves me and that Neil should never disrespect me again. Now we're at Brimborn Steel Works." Rebekah says and opens her eyes.

Jonathan grabs the contact book and looks for Brimborn. "Found it. 6522 Cherry Oak Drive." "That close." "El, El, we found it. Get out of there." Mike says and El doesn't take off the blindfold. Rebekah waits a second before going back into El's mind. El looks around and starts yelling Mike's name. "He can't here you." Billy says making El turn around. Billy comes around the corner. "You shouldn't have looked for me. Because now I see you. Now we can all see you. And Rebekah." Billy says and Rebekah starts hyperventilating. "You... let us in. And now... you are going to have to let us stay." Billy says and Rebekah gets put into the universe El is in. "Don't you see? All this time, we've been building it. We've been building it... for you, girls." Billy says and Rebekah starts to freak out.

"All that work... all that pain... all of it... for you two." Billy says and the girls back into a table. "And now it's time. Time to end it. And we are going to end you, El. Then we're going to end Rebekah. Then when you're both gone we're going to end your friends. And then we are going to end...everyone." Billy says and a tear rolls down his cheek. "Get out of him!" Rebekah yells and sends Billy onto the ground.

They both come back to reality. "No!" They yells in sync and look for Mike and Peter. Rebekah grabs onto Peter and and they wrap their arms around each other. "Breathe. Breathe Kenz. Breathe." Peter whispers and she slows her breathing, and it's replaced with sobs.

"He knows where we are." Rebekah cries into Peter's chest. "He's going to kill me." Rebekah sobs. "No, nothing is going to happens. I'm here, okay?" Peter whispers in her ear.

"He's going to kill... everyone." Rebekah chokes out. "I need my mom. I need my fucking mom! Somebody find my mom!" Rebekah yells out and Jonathan runs to the phone and calls Murray. "Hello?" Joyce's voice asks. "Mom! You need to come home! It's Bex!" Jonathan says frantically into the phone.

"Her ribs are broken and..." Jonathan stops and looks at Rebekah. She nods telling him it was okay. "And she's pregnant. And the The Mind Flayer's back. And it has Billy." Jonathan says quickly. "Wait, what? Bex is pregnant?" "Yes, it's a girl. You just need to come home. Right. Now." Jonathan says and hangs up the phone.

"Hopper!" Joyce calls and he runs into the kitchen. "It's Bex, it's bad. It's really bad." Joyce says, frantically and Hopper pulls her into him. "Let's go." Hopper says and they grab Alexei, dragging him with them.

"Is she coming?" "Yeah, she's on her way." Jonathan says and Rebekah closes her eyes.

a/n: sorry, another short one

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