21- alice and revenge

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TW: REVENGE AND MURDER and also another longer chapter.

"Alice.." Rebekah whispers and everyone looks at her confused. "Vecna's not a guy, Peter might kill me for this but... his real name is Henry Creel. Alice is Vecna." Rebekah explains and everyone shakes their heads in disbelief.

Rebekah rises to her feet, wrapping her arms around Billy. "Hey, lovebirds. Your child's crawling." Max says making them look over. "The one time I don't have my camera ready!" Rebekah exclaims and Eddie clicks his tongue pointing to a shelf behind her. She grabs the camera and takes a picture.

The Polaroid comes out and she shakes it and waits for it to develop. "Yay, Steph!" Max says, clapping her hands. "Go Steph, go Steph. Go, go, go." Eddie says, clapping his hands as well. Stephanie turns her head and look at Eddie. "Stop it, Uncle Eddie. You're embarrassing her." Robin teases. "Say 'hush it aunt robs'." Rebekah says and Stephanie gurgles.

Everyone bursts out into laughter and Rebekah looks up at Billy. He leans down and places his lips on hers. "Ew, mom." Steve teases and they laugh. She looks at the Polaroid and hands it to Billy. She reaches into her but pocket and pull out the others, handing them to him as well.

He picks up one of them kissing at the lake and holds it between two fingers. Rebekah laughs, snatching it. He flips through the Polaroids.

"Max, hey! Wake up!" Eddie says making Rebekah rush over.

"Leave her alone!" Peter growls behind Vecna. She turns around. "Brother, hello there." "What was this? To get me back?" Peter questions. "Mostly." Alice says and the Vecna skin fades revealing a blonde girl.

"How dare you, Alice." Peter whispers, with tears in his eyes. "You put Rebekah through all that pain, for what? So you could have me back? You're sick and twisted." Peter hisses. "Henry-." "Peter. My name is Peter Ballard, not Henry Creel. He died a long time ago." Peter hisses. "Peter, I'm so so sorry."

"You think that helps, Alice?" Peter hisses and Max just stands there, watching the scene unfold. "Max, as soon as the song starts playing leave." Peter says still staring down his sister.

"I'm sorry, okay?! I just wanted you back in my life!" Alice yells. "And putting my friends, my family in pain like that was supposed to help, how?!" Peter yells and the music starts. "Go Max!" Peter yells and Max starts running.

Max wakes up and everyone lets out a relived sigh. "Vecna's actually, really, really pretty. Apparently she did all of this to get Peter back into her life. When I left they were screaming at each other." Max explains and Rebekah rubs her face. "Come on bitch, I'm right here!" Rebekah yells.

"Your sister's getting on my last nerve." Alice says, closing her eyes.

"You dumbass." Eddie whispers as her eyes roll back and Billy rubs his face.

"Why would you do that to me, Alice? I thought I was going to lose her to some freak show! You fucked up everything!" Peter yells and hears a thud behind him, making him spin around. "What did you do?" Peter hisses, looking back at his sister. "Want me to get the kid too?" "You touch Stephanie I'll kill you." He says pointing at her.

The song starts playing but Rebekah refuses to leave. "Why would you do that, Alice?" Rebekah asks, softly. "I wasn't thinking clearly." "When have you ever?" Peter asks, shoving her. "I did all of this for you. The Demogorgons, he Demodogs, the Mind Flayer, all of it. For you!" Alice yells. "I'm not the same person anymore!" Peter yells, clenching his fist.

"If you ever want me back, here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna come with me, and you're going to admit to both murders, do you understand me?" Peter says and Alice nods. "Go Rebekah, we'll be right behind you." Peter says and Rebekah runs to the portal.

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