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b i l l i e

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

b i l l i e

i rubbed at my face as i slowly woke up. i rolled onto my side, and i let out a small sigh as i saw that the other side of the bed was empty.

i never see jessie before she goes to work, anymore.

granted, before i had to start working at the bar during the week, i only briefly spoke with them before i fell back asleep, but i did still see them and talk to them. now, i'm so tired from work, that i don't even wake up when she gets out of the bed.

i hate working at the bar during the week.

there's also the fact that jessie started working at a new studio; she has different and longer work hours now.

i'm proud as fuck that they're working on an anime though; it's been a big goal of their's for a while now.

even so... i just hate how conflicting our schedules are right now. it's been like this for about two weeks now. it's exhausting.

i just wanna come home after work and cuddle, but it's kinda hard to do that when jess is already asleep by the time i get home. even then, only a few hours after i get home, she has to leave to go to work.

i'm also sleeping a lot during the day, since i work at night. then when i do wake up, i go over to finneas and claudia's house to continue to work on songs.

jj hasn't been come to the bar on the weekends since she got her new job. they've been tired as hell too. i don't blame them though.

we don't have time for each other right now, and i hate it.

the last time we actually got to see each other and talk was the day before i started working at the bar during the week; that day jessie came over while me and finneas wrote songs for turning red, and then we went to the mall.

i just hope we're able to find someone to work at the bar during the week soon so that me and jessie can see each other more.

i eventually sat up to get out of the bed. i spotted a note on the nightstand, written out in jessie's neat handwriting.

breakfast is in the refrigerator. text me when you wake up. i love you

i smiled at the note. i looked around for my phone. i was so tired last night, that when i came home, i didn't even bother with putting it on charge; yet, i found it charging on jessie's nightstand.

it's the little things like that.

i unplugged my phone, and i sent jj a "good morning" text, even though it was nearing the afternoon. i also sent "i love you" before i walked out of our room, stretching as i did.

on my way to the kitchen, i spotted shiloh, shark, and sol in the living room. shark and sol were fighting over one of their toys, while shiloh was laying comfortably on the floor, away from them.

ECSTASY // B.ENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ