JaMeliah: What Comes Next

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"Dang, what took you so long to come out?" Cede asked, "We gone be late getting to lunch playing with you." "Girl hush. You know I ain't gone be late, especially not for lunch now come on." I started walking towards the cafeteria. "Wait for me dang." she called behind me. I slowed my pace a little so she could catch up. "Alright Speedy Gonzales, you know I can't walk like I used to. I got mama hips now." she fussed. "You been had them hips, that's how you got 'mama' ones now." I teased. "It aint my fault he couldn't keep away." she said. "Yeah, but it is yours for throwing all that back. Now look at you." I said. She laughed out loud. Cede had gotten pregnant our junior year of high school after her birth control failed. It was a journey for her but she managed it well. Even with all the hate and animosity she got from her decision to keep her kid. I was there every step of the way along with our friends and Derrion and now she has a beautiful baby boy and is about to graduate. "How is my god-baby anyway? I miss him." I said as we kept walking. "He's good. Spoiled. And acts just like his daddy. Looks like him too. I was so mad. Why was I in labor for 16 hours so you can come out looking like him." she huffed. I laughed at her. "Because you was mad at Derrion your entire pregnancy that's why." I said. "Yeah, true." she said. We walked through the cafeteria doors just as the bell started ringing. "See, I told you that we were going to make it in time." I said walking to grab a tray. "Yeah, we had to sprint to get here though." She said the following behind me. We walked to the line. "Chicken or Fish?" the lunch lady asked. "Hey Mrs. Dina. Two legs for me please." I said holding out my plate. "That fish looks fye today. I'm gone try it." Cede said. "Good, that way I can try some of yours." I smiled. "See, you just shows out." she said. "You wouldn't have it any other way." I said.

We finished getting our food and carried our trays to the tables outside The sun was beaming and it was the perfect temperature out. Everybody was already out waiting for us. "Dang what took y'all so long?" Quel asked. " Your sister. She took all day coming out of class." Cede snitched. "I was talking to Ms. Evans." I told them. "Oh, yeah. She likes to talk." Candace said, munching on her fries. We sat down in our typical seats. "I still can't get over this bruh. We are fucking seniors." Kiante said. "I know. Only a few more months and we are out of here. Thank the Lord." Cede said, feigning a shout. "Y'all got plans for after school?" Candace said. "Me and Meliah got a couple of schools lined up." Quel said. "Yeah, I just don't know if I will be staying here or leaving." I said. "Same, don't get me wrong I love home but I want something different." Kiante said. A few of them nodded in agreement. "Well as long as we make sure to celebrate one last time together before we all go our separate ways." Cede said. "As long as you don't pull a KD, my boy moved with the quickness. He left just as fast as he got here." Kiante joked. "Aye, don't do my boy like that. He had to do what he had to do." Quel said. "Hell yeah. Aye, have you talked to him lately? How he been?" Derrion asked. "Yeah, he texted me the other day. I meant to tell you Meliah, he asked about you. I told him to hit you up." he said. I felt my face get hot as suppressed memories started to cloud my mind. You know I got you Naia. Always. "Meliah, you hear me?" my brother said "Huh? My bad. Uh..I didn't get a text from him but I could hit him up later." I lied. "Bet." he said. I looked down into my phone trying to focus on something else. The voices around me drowned out as I tried to keep my heart from racing at the simple mention of his name. The rest of lunch flew by but my mind was all over the place.

  Why the hell would he be asking about me? He hasn't talked to me in almost two years now.

The first bell rang for us to head back in. "Aight I'll see y'all after class." Derrion said. Everybody got up and grabbed their stuff. I grabbed my tray and started walking towards the building. "Hey." Cede said quietly, pulling me behind the group. "What's up?" I said nonchalantly. "You good?" she asked, seeing right through me. I still tried to keep my composure. "Yeah, why?" She just looked at me. 

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