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Well, that's the last box that I unpacked. I sigh and turn to see my college dorm almost look its mint condition. It's a bright day here, and I see the falcons mascot giving a fist bump and taking pictures with the families. Turning back to my bed, I realized that I could use a nap.

I place myself in bed wondering what could come in the next four years, what God has in store. I'm a little nervous, but I am expectant of what could come into my life. I'm grateful to be at a Christian school, despite the amount it cost to attend this year. But, welcome to adulting. I'm grateful God provided an opportunity for me to study communications here.

I get a knock on my door. I sit up. "Come in."

My neighbor, Calvina, comes in the door.

"Oh hey, Cal!"

"Hey, I like what you did with your dorm."

I look around, admiring the work. "Thanks, it only took me two days to settle in."

"How has campus welcome week been for you?"

"It's... going. What about you?"

She sighs. "A lengthy day. I'm glad I got through student orientation so I don't get lost on the first day of class. I was coming to ask, are you going to worship night tonight?"

"I was thinking about it... are you going?"


"What time does it start?"

"Seven. It's going to be at Monument, the smaller sancutary connected to where we have our weekly Chapel."

"Okay, we can walk together if you want. I'll be leaving here at 6:30." 

"Sounds, good, we can meet up at the hall lounge!"

"I'll see you then! I'm going to walk around campus a bit more!"

"Sounds good," I reply. 

Cal exits the door and I lay back on my bed. I look at the clock and set a timer to take a small nap. I think these are going to be a great four years at the University of Carmel.

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