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Still Sammy pov:
I call up brennen. This is a bad idea but I need him. Sure he hurts me but he's my only option now. "hello?" I hear. "Brennen hi.." "What?" "I need to talk to u..is it fine if I come over to ur place?" "Sure Samuel make it quick.." He then hung up the phone. He called me Samuel. Not Sammy no sam. Just Samuel...

I sneak past Colby and Shea and see them still cuddling. Why did she have to come here? I head out and walk over to brennens house. His house isn't far. I knock on the door to see him standing there wearing a tank top and some black Nike shorts. "come in." He said in a annoyed type tone.

He sat down on his couch and patted the cushion next to him signaling me to sit next to him. Of course I was sketched out because he beat me up.Why are u scared?Sit with ur boyfriend idiot! My thoughts once again made me do it. I sat down next to him. I didn't want to make eye contact with him especially after what he did. "So why did u come here this late?" He asked rubbing his eyebrow. "A new girl came to the traphouse..." I sighed. Don't be a pussy let it go! I then looked around trying to break the awkwardness and then he just..

Kissed me...

Colby pov:

After the movie was over shea headed to bed. I was happy I got to spend time with her but I sorta wanted Sam a little bit more.Colby what are u saying?!he doesn't like u! I decide to go to bed as well. I should check on Sam.what no!don't do that! I need to! I stop by sams door and knock. No answer? I knock again. Still no answer.. I then plunge into his room to see no Sam. I look around. His bathroom his bed his closet. Where the fuck is sam?! I look around the entire house to see Sam no where to be found. Where is he?! Is he ok?! I then feel a slight tingle and then look down at on of my 5 rings. The one connected to the bound spell.. I then said a few Latin words and it teleported me to a house.

How the bound spell works is when u need to get to the person u put the bound on the spell sends u five minutes away from the location of the person. I walk down and then noticed a house with a window open.I don't know if I should but.. I then take a swift look at the window and notice some blond locks peeking thru. It cant be... I snuck closer to the window and look at the Blondie. No! He was kissing another man. You dumbass! U knew he didn't like and let ur feelings take over. I began to feel a small tear flow down my cheek. Get it together dumbass u knew this would happen! I instantly wipe it off and walk away. I look back at the house. Glad ur happy...

((sorry its short😌 but trust me it going to get better kinda..))

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