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Sammy pov:

He then tilted me head and I moved my head into his arms and sobbed.
He then hugged me. "W-why do u do this to urself Samuel tell me why." he sobbed. I then began to cry loud. "u left me! U didn't say a word and I s-saw u with Shea and u were cuddling her and t-then..!" "Shh Sammy its ok I'm here.." He whispered.

I began to blush a little I don't know why tho. "Come on lets go home." He smiled still sobbing alittle. He then picked me up and walked me out the building and took us back to the traphouse. as we walked into the gate of the trap house. All the cars are gone except mine and colbys. No-one was home.

Then I remember the must've went out. We head inside and he puts me down. I've would've settled for a few more minutes in his arm. He then heads to the fridge. "U want a peanut butter sandwich?" He says looking through the fridge. "Sure" I smile.

I look over at him. Notices his butt. Yea I know sounds weird but I looked juicy. And what do u do to a juicy booty? Smack it! I crept over to stand right behind his juicy booty. And then...


He jumps and hits his head in the fridge. He pulls out and rubs his head. I giggle and the sit back down and acted like I did nothing. I could see the expression on his face. He smirks and then closes the fridge door. I smile and look up and quickly look down. He begins to walk over. He then slams his hand on the counter. I look up and jump. I smile slyly. He smirks and shakes his head. "U slick boy." He chuckles.

He then points. "Ur not going to get away with that." He whispers in a seductive way. I get turned on somehow. "Oh really?" I tease. "Yea." He says and then walks upstairs. I smile and then get my phone out and text Corey.

Big bros😛
Sam:hey Corey where are y'all
Corey:naw where are u?!
Sam:at the traphouse duh!🙄✋
Corey:with who?!
Corey:did u tell him yet?
Sam:I smacked his ass
Corey: yeaaaaaaah!
Sam:He sexy as hell! And he told me imma regret in a sexy tone😛😉
Corey:he want to do the nasty with ya!😩
Sam:I wonder if he has a crush on me?
Corey:u do realise that's the reason he joined the traphouse right?
Sam:whoa never thought of that🙄
Corey:don't be so sour♨
Sam:oh hush up I love Colby but idk..
Corey:Sam just fuck him we'll be gone for about 3 hours u have time😏
Sam:im kinda excited and scared.🙃
Corey: do it u got this!
Sam:that sounds weird in a situation like this but ok
Corey:just don't do it on the couch I DONT want to clean that up😌
Sam: whatever!💀

I put the phone in my back pocket and head upstairs to my room. I lay down for a second. What could possibly get colbys attention?! I then come up with an idea. A scary movie! I then head to Colbys room in excitement.

I slowly open the door and I see something I wasn't expecting to see. His bulge being moved up an down. I keep the door cracked to watch. His moans were Small yet sexy. I felt mine twitch. He then moans one final time quietly. He then heads to the bathroom to get some stuff to clean up the mess he made. Its my chance. He leaves his phone on the bed as he walks out.

I sneak in and quickly grab his phone. Its unlocked?weird. I open it and see my face on the phone. Was he masturbating to my photo. I drop the phone as soon as hear footsteps. I look for a hiding place and hide in his closet.

I leave it cracked its right in front of the side of his bed where he lays his head at. He sit down on the bed and grabs his phone. He looks confused. "Why is this open I though I turned it off?" He whispered. I then back up slowly. I then knock something over and I could see him look up. He then shakes his head as he opens the closet door.

He slams it opens and growls. I then get up and smile. "Sam why are u in my closet?" He grins leaning the closet door frame. "I-i was just um. Wondering if u wanted t-to uh w-watch a s-scary m-m-movie?" I stuttered. He then smiled knowing I'm lying. He then nods and I smile.

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