My brother had lied. He wasn't friends with Golden Boy. They barely even talked.
        I mean, I guess before they were. But then Golden Boy got sent to the Hunger Games and Nyle thought he was a goner against the tributes from District Two.
        He came back, but the odds were against them. They stopped speaking to each other, Golden Boy too busy with The Capitol, and Nyle too busy with our family.
        It was sad. After Mother died he almost broke up with his girlfriend, trying to keep our family afloat... Too bad they never stayed together long.
        I guess I understood why they distanced themselves. But we were so young and we had known each other since we were little, it still hurt when we all went our separate ways.
        The District Four Training Centre was big, I would guess, bigger than the Justice Building. It had training stations that every Victor remembered The Capitol had.
        There was also a big wall that was supposed to be the camouflage station. In some places, it was filled with splashes of colours and different patterns of what District Four knew of most. The Sea.
        That's where I went first. I wasn't in any way crazy good at painting but I did love to draw.
        "Are you here to learn some last minute things?"
        I smiled when I saw who it was.  Ripley was one of the younger mentors. In his mid-twenties, I would guess. He was nice enough, but that didn't mean he picked favourites. Out of all of them, other than maybe Golden Boy, he was the least biassed. He wanted Four to win. He chose winners. "Hey, Ripley. Uh, no, I just wanted to paint a little something. To calm the nerves, I guess."
        He nodded. "Yes. These walls could all use a bit more colour. Guess that's why we aren't known as the most creative district."
        "But we've had our own share of winners."
        "That's true." He sighed and looked at the wall again.
        "How's Alon?"
        He shrugged. "Hanging on. But it's nothing you need to worry about. Good luck, out there."
        I nodded. It was still so quiet, no one else was here. I guess me and Nyle made the right decision to come early.
        I ran my fingertips through the wall, smiling at the different textures of paint. I found a blank space, which wasn't really difficult. It was sad to see it like that, all bare. I'd have thought that with all of our years here, someone would have picked up painting. I know why I never did, at least.
        I grabbed some bright neon orange paint and drew my name in my fanciest handwriting, with loops around all my capital letters and on the letter 'y'.
        So, while people kept coming in, I kept painting. A turtle with a hat. I was a twelve year old when that happened, Finnick and Nyle were thirteen. We were behind our house in Victor's Village, swimming when we found a youngster swimming also near the shore.
        I had wanted to go and pet it, but Nyle laughed and along with Finnick, he said I couldn't. We had to let the small turtle find its own way home. I don't remember much from when I was little, but pictures. I clearly see us there waving goodbye to the small turtle, but I'm outside the frame. I guess it's a weird thing to describe but I'm the third person. I see my tiny self and when I concentrate enough, it's like I can actually walk in the memory—
        I jumped at the sudden invasion. It was just Nyle.
        "Come, they're announcing the tributes. I nodded and followed him.
        All the mentors were standing on a balcony, standing over the teens and children.
        Golden Boy smiled, him being in the middle meant he would announce the news.
        "You have all demonstrated extraordinary skills with your select choice of weapons, my favourite, obviously the trident, was no easy task for some of you, yet most of you managed."
        Murmurs of agreement and laughter were heard among the crowd.
        It's different for everyone, but District Four mentors only sent tributes who they were sure would get a score high enough to attract sponsors, but not enemies. They also tried to send people who had no relation with each other, to make the killing easier.
        "Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Between all of us present here, we held a vote. Us mentors reviewed them and based on your votes and our planning, the female tribute for this year is Lyra Ryvor," He said as he smiled down towards me. I couldn't contain my excitement and everyone started congratulating me, but there was a voice at the back of my head telling me Nyle had been right.
        "Yes, yes, very exciting. Now, for the males." He looked at the paper, and frowned. He stepped away to speak to Ripley. 'Is this right?' I saw him mouth. Ripley just nodded. He looked uneasy as he stepped back to the front. "The male tribute for this year is Caspian Redford.
        The excitement that came with me, wasn't met with Caspian's announcement. People applauded but still looked weary between the two of us.
        Ripley came to the front and called out, "Come on, everyone out! Go get ready for the Reaping!" He tried to laugh it off, but the tension remained even after everyone had started leaving.

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