Page 1: I get around

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"Hey, Becky did you hear about that new job?"

"Oh, no I hadn't. Mhm. Oh. OH. Oh-oh-oh dear." Becky took a large gulp, glanced around the room. She said her goodbyes and pressed the phone back to it's stand ending the call, dialing a different number.

"Hey, Suzy-"

"Yo, Heather"


"So,, uh, Jenny-"

"Hey, Erica-"

Word spread like wildfire in-between several different girls.

"Hey, Y/n... "


"Hey, Y/n..." Erica began

I was standing on my bed looking out the window lighting up my dimmed room on this breezy day.

"Did.. did you hear about the job-"

She continued on and said a whole bunch of stuff, but I couldn't hear her. Something about a child was eaten by this uh,,.. an- animatronic??

Anyway I decided that's where I'm gonna work now. Why not?? If I'm gonna go out might as well be a cool way to go.

I pulled out a fat phone book from the hallway and called even and the only opening was 'daycare' neat. Kids are pretty cool.

And so it begins. Sorry this is so short, it's just supposed to be an introduction.

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