page 3: Sunny

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I sat in my car for a moment and lit a cig putting it to my face. I started up my car as Boney M came on the radio.

I took a deep breath in and then out as smoke emitted from my throat and out my mouth. I pulled the cigarette from my mouth and it went in-between my index finger and thumb as my arm hung out the window.

I got my car In reverse and pulled out the driveway and got on the highway.
'Couple good songs came on the radio afterwards but for some reason the first song that played previously seemed really significant.

Still on the highway a building caught my eye it read in fat letters 'mega pizza plex' it looked enormous while the parking lot looked pretty empty.
I pulled over into the parking lot.
I closed my eyes and took a swift breath, knowing it'd be the last I took of this tobacco filled stick for the next few 10 HOURS.
I opened my eyes, sat briefly in silence before I opened the door.

I looked around as I stood there on the concrete, dropped my cigarette to the ground, stepped on it and made my way towards the front doors.
I pushed em' open and was greeted by an interior that looked even bigger than the outside.

I walked around a bit in search for a map somewhere or something for some kind of help navigating this bright building.
Eventually I found one and it directed me towards... THE STAIRS?? I THOUGHT IT WAS BIG ENOUGH.
But surprisingly I was wrong.

Soon enough, I found myself standing before a slide. Like any normal person would as a 20 year old naturally, I slid down it. I immediately fell in a fat ball pit.

Just then, a tall, lanky, muted yellow clothed, blonde haired animatronic(?) towered above me on a balcony connected to the wall to my right 30 feet in the air waving.

Just then, a tall, lanky, muted yellow clothed, blonde haired animatronic(?) towered above me on a balcony connected to the wall to my right 30 feet in the air waving

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He noticed me

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He noticed me.
"Welcome, new friend!" He shouted from all the way up there down to who I was assuming to be me.
He dove down from the balcony into the pit I stood in. I got out and so did he. He went and stood next to me.
"Hello, my name's Sundrop, but you can call me sunny. what's yours?" He asked me in an excited tone.

"Oh ummm.. you can just call me N/n" (Nick name) I smiled and looked up in his eyes. He was pretty.

"OH! You're the new employee. I was wondering why you're so tall." He giggled "Well, the kid's are gonna be here any minute now, N/n"

"Hey, Sunny?"

"Yeah?" He looked down at me.

"Yeah, so, uh, you're an.. animatronic? right?"

"Mhm" he hummed

"Yeah yeah, right, right, so how's that work? You just seem so life like is all." I nervously laughed hoping I didn't accidentally offend him.

"Well, I'm not completely sure how they built me and every little fiber in me but I have feelings. I'm sure I was built to be nice to people of all ages, but I like to think I'm more than just some programing and metal scrap." He said to me. It sounded like he'd been needing to say that for a long time. And I feel like I've been needing to hear someone say it to me. In that moment I felt so understood.

"I hear you loud and clear, man. Just be yourself. There's no label that could describe every beautiful ounce of you." I replied, hoping he felt as understood as I in that moment.
I looked up at him and he was smiling at me. I smiled back and he looked away maybe in embarassmen-

"HEY SUNDROP!!" A little kid squealed from the ball pit

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