page 4: Good Vibrations

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"HEY SUNDROP!" Some kid shouted from that ball pit beneath the two of us.
Sunny waved and gave the kid a big bright smile.

In the same movement he nudged me with his elbow and whispered, almost inaudibly "Thanks, Love." 'Love' I played the word over again in my head.
Damn Y/n you've only been here for 20 minutes. It's probably just part of his lingo.

"Who's this?" The kid asked as another came shooting out the slide into the pit.

"This is Star." He presented me towards the know three kids in the room. I figure the whole 'Star' thing is a play on how they call him 'sun'.

More and more kids entered the room, more and more introductions.
Sunny was so good with the kids and the kids were nice to me. This job is a piece of cake.

The day came and went fast.

"Y/n?" Sunny tapped my hand "You okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm great. What time is it?" I asked him.

"5 :18pm" he read off his.. wrist..?
I looked around

"Where are the kiddos?" I questioned

"Oh they went home, you're supposed to stay here longer to watch me to.. make sure nothing bad happens."

I have a lot of questions, but that sweet smile made it so hard to have a care in the world.

"Can we go sit somewhere?" He abruptly took my hand and we made our way into the same room with the cliff he dives off of.
There was a bed and a couch, and not a lot more. But that's fine, all I need is a seat to sit in.
I let go of his hand and made my way to the couch. He followed not far behind, sitting beside me at the arm of the chair.

"Ummm.. what's your favorite color?" He asked me

"Oh um, probably f/c."

"That's a good one."

I rummaged around in my purse til I finally found my cigarettes and I lighter. I pulled 'em out and put one in my mouth.

"Want one?" I pushed one out in his direction

*Gasp* "Thanks" He took it.
I gave him the lighter and he pulled my head closer to his, and lit our cigs at the same time. I smiled.

"Hey, Love?" I looked at him through my peripheral vision.

"What's up?" I smiled brighter.

He blew out some smoke. "What's it like outside?" My eyes widened.
Without a word I took his hand and my main goal was to get him out.

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