Case 1.4

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Hi! Thanks for waiting. Enjoy~

Bold= present

Italic = past

"I was expecting some good action from you."

Winter grunted in discomfort, blood gushing out of her shoulder, drunk between fatigue and utter pain. She hates it, hates feeling pain. Not only did it trigger her inner demons, but her neat freak persona was also kicking in. Oh, how she hates the smell of blood.

Winter watched the vines snake her whole body, up into the air. She feels extremely nauseous, feels filthy. One of them strikes her wounded shoulder, she screams in extreme pain, cursing, absolutely mad, piercing gaze focused on her opponent.

"How disappointing."

Winter was in the middle of losing consciousness. Her mind is getting a bit hazy, making her ponder how on earth they ended up in this situation yet again.

Karina... She mentally mused.

She searched for the latter and found her unconscious on the floor, blood on her head. She was worried for the human though at this time she can't do anything if she can't get out of these vines.

She focused her attention on the being in front of her. She has those oh-so menacing smiles that Winter was so familiar with. Utterly horrifying.

She could feel fatigue creeping, gradually pulling her into a slumber. Slowly, but surely, she closes both eyes and recalls how they ended up in this situation.

"You're awake."

Winter felt pain in her head as soon as she tried to sit and was met by the dull, bored look of her criminal informant, Giselle.

Her mind was a bit clouded. The last time she remembered, Karina and she encountered the killer, then a modified vampire showed up, then Karina...she trailed off.

"Karina! Where is she?" She jolted out of bed, only to feel a striking pain in her shoulder.

"She's fine. Though, you almost killed her." She mutters uninterested. "If I didn't come in time, the Ministry would have probably thrown you to Ezkiolan at this moment."

"Thank you. That'll probably hunt me for the rest of my life if you haven't." Winter was mortified, not only because she couldn't handle her inner demons but also because she nearly killed the latter.

"She looks perfectly fine. Don't worry about it."

"No, it's not fine! I almost killed her."


"No, Giselle, you don't understand, you're not a succubus like me."

"What am I then? A wanna-be kitsune, here only to babysit you?" She answers in a deadpan tone, "The ministry is not paying me enough money for this, so considered it free."

"Is that all you can think about? Money? How about me? I'm your friend?"

"Winter, the moment you chose a human as an accomplice, already marked your demise. When was the last time I saw you like this again? Probably when we were dealing with the vampire king — which was a hundred years ago!

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