chapter 4 🔞

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Sunghoon's heat began two days after he last had sex with Heeseung.

It started like any other of his heats, really, it took him a second to realise it had already started. He was feeling dizzy and heated since he woke up, and by noon he caught on that it was his heat. Like the other members, he didn't spend his heat at the dorm, instead going over to one of the special rooms the company had for them. He had taken his toys with him and hoped that would be enough to satiate him. He had a feeling this heat would be worse than the previous ones.

Like he had stated, he hated his heats. Even if, lately, it seemed like he was always irrationally horny, his heats made it worse. A lot worse. What he hated the most was that he always ended up exhausted and filthy after his heats. He was so focused on pleasuring himself, on having something in him, he hardly ate and, during the three days it lasted, he wouldn't even touch a shower. He wasn't even entirely sure he took the time to properly go piss, and he had a growing suspicion that he simply pissed himself most of the time.

And that's the other thing he hated about them; how absolutely out of it he was. To the point he wasn't aware of what he did and didn't do. He'd remember bits and pieces of it, but for the most part, it was a blank period for him. He was only left with the feelings and filth of it to deal with.

He had packed a bunch of clothes into his bag before he left, too. This was, of course, for the nest he would be building in the room. Most of it was for it, anyway, he had one change of clothes specifically for after his heat was over; something clean he could change into. As soon as he got into the room, he dropped all the clothes and toys onto the bed, except for that one change of clothes. He closed the bag again and hid it under the bed, he tended to look for more stuff once his instincts took over.

It was as he was building his nest, arranging all the different fabrics in a way he liked, that he noticed something was off. By that he meant, something was not his . In between the mess he had of shirts and sweats, he found a hoodie that was definitely not his. And with the way its scent overpowered all others in the room, he could immediately tell whom it belonged to. Because that hoodie, that had somewhat gotten into his bag, was Heeseung's.

Sunghoon just stared at it for a moment. He could not, for the life of him, remember putting that into his bag. He would never do such a thing. It would be too out of line; it would imply too many things that simply weren't true. Having, intentionally or otherwise, put Heeseung's heavily scented hoodie in his bag to have it with him during his heat would mean he wanted Heeseung there with him. And sure, he could admit to wanting to have someone, an alpha, fucking him through his heat. Yet this, packing something for his nest from Heeseung meant more than just that. It meant that he wanted more than just an alpha with him; it would mean he wanted Heeseung to take care of him. It would mean he, plainly and simply, wanted Heeseung .

And that he did not want, not at all. Not even hypothetically.

Yet, with the hoodie in his hands and his heat having practically already started, he couldn't stop thinking about Heeseung being there with him. While he probably has thought of Heeseung before while in heat, it had never happened while he was conscious. He wished he wasn't conscious, so he could stop feeling so much on his chest. He wished what he was feeling was just arousal and sexual desire amplified by his heat. He refused to believe it was anything other than that.

He quickly discarded the hoodie to the side, if he couldn't see it, he didn't have to think about it. Besides, there were way too many things he had to prepare before his heat rendered him nothing more than a moaning and lustful mess. Kind of like Heeseung did.

After everything was set, it was only a matter of waiting for his heat to hit. He could already feel his temperature raising and the subtle need to pleasure himself. He ate some food before just lying on his nest, waiting. At some point, he fell asleep and when he woke up, he was covered in sweat and was already panting heavily. He'd turned to the side in his sleep and had clung to Heeseung's hoodie. But, by then, he didn't care what it potentially meant for him, his mind just knew the scent belonged to his alpha and he needed it to survive.

then we gave love a chance | HEEHOONTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang