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So first off. This chapter is set in the future, 2 years ahead of the time it is in chapter 1. Just letting you know. Xxx


Amber and I caught up on the latest gossip while Max and Harry talked about guy stuff.

"Yo Ash, Amb. Max and I are gonna go hang out with the blokes over there; Max's friends. We'll be back soon alright and we'll bring drinks for us all," Harry announces.

"Alrighty," Amber said.

I gestured for Harry to come here. He walked up to me and I flung an arm around his neck and pecked at his bottom lip while he kissed my top lip for a small moment. "Just so other girls know your mine... cause they're all staring at you," I whispered in his ear. He chuckled and brought our eyes to meet before kissing me gently and softly for a second.

"Don't you worry," he whispered into me. "No girls ever coming home with me but you. And for the record they're all staring at you because they're jealous because your the hottest girl here and they're not."

Amber and Max winked at each other before Max just walked up to her and pecked her on the lip. She laughed. "I love ya babe," she said to him.

The two walked off leaving Amber and I to gossip.

Ok so on the left of the above image is Harry and on the right is Ashley. Ashley's the main character but throughout this book the point of view changes over to Harry or one of the other small characters. Just informing you.

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