Chapter 2 - When I First Saw Him

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In the above image, the girl on the far left is Abbey. The girl second from the left is Chloe. In the middle is Nicole. On the right of Nicole is Ashley and then on the far right, next to Ashley is Sabrina.


It was April 10th, the first day of coachella.

Wearing my white playsuit, about 8 gold necklaces layered on top of each other, a yellow and white flower crown, tan sandals, a million gold, silver and aqua bangles on each arm, flash tattoos, sunnies and my tan bag, I stared in the mirror. It was the perfect coachella outfit.

"Love it!!" Abbey cheered as she entered the room in a pair of light shorts, crochet top, white converse, kimono and lots of jewellery as well. I could just imagine her shoes coming back more of a dirty, dusty tan rather than white.

"Haha. We all look so amazing," Nicole exclaimed as she stood in the mirror doing her mascara and making kissy faces at herself. She was in a long maxi dress with sandals and a floppy felt hat with a long feather necklace.

Nici's mum dropped us off at the Empire Polo Club just after 11:00. It took us half an hour to get there because of traffic and when we did it was packed.

"Ahh!!! I can't wait!!!" Chloe screamed.

We were staying all day until very late at night with no parents, which really didn't affect me anyway because my parents were really easy going on me. Sometimes they let my boyfriend come home for dinner before I broke up with him. (Technically he moved away but still). They'd let me take trips away for the weekend with my friends outside of school and I'd stay at hotels whenever I felt like a break. They didn't really care. All I had to do was text them and I was good to go.

But considering everyone else's Mums were going. And we had to actually get there because we were all 15 and couldn't drive yet, all our mums came as well.

"Thanks Cathy," we all chorused as Nici's Mum pulled up as close as she could to the dusty, desert area. Cars and people and officers were scattered everywhere blocking the way to get any closer.

"See ya later Mum. C'mon girls!!!" Nicole screamed. "Let's go!!!" We all laughed happily as we stepped out of the car and headed off.

It was packed. People were hurrying about everywhere. There was so many people, teenagers mostly. I looked at my right. A bunch of girls were laughing. They looked about 18 and they were just as excited as we were as they weaved their way through the crowds to the entrance.

I then looked to my left. A tall boy with tanned skin and sun kissed hair was walking down the dusty desert track towards the entrance where music was blasting loudly and people cheered loudly and I heard screams and laughs and saw thousands of people having so much fun. I smiled in excitement.

Then I turned back to my left. The boy was really hot. Another boy jumped on top of the tall tanned boys back with a big smile. "Max," the tanned boy called with a slight chuckle and smile. Max jumped down from the tanned boys back and walked alongside him.

A group of other guys came rushing up behind them screaming with excitement. Then they disappeared through the crowd. All those boys were really cute. I hoped I'd see them again...

We finally made our way into the entrance. I stared down at Abbey's shoes which were already dusty and no longer looking like a clean white colour. I smiled with a slight chuckle without her noticing.

I gasped. There was a huge silver astronaut model that was absolutely massive. I didn't understand its purpose but whatever. It was amazing and must have taken forever to make and put up considering it was leaning in on an angle. There was also a really big tent in a snail like shape that I didn't understand the purpose of either but it was really cool. Oh and who could forget the huge Ferris wheel!!!!

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