•Smoker x Ace

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•One Piece Universe
•Captured Smoker x Jealous Ace
•Requested by: @wagnerreborn00


The man with the white hair grumbled as his eyes narrowed, how could he get himself get captured?

He was captured by the Whitebeard Pirates after getting himself off guard.

That damned Portgas caught him and chained him on a Whitebeard Crew's ship.

Damn it al-

His thoughts cut off as the door on the room opened, the bright light made his eyes closed as a certain man walked in


The man smirked seeing the state of the Marine as the smoke user growled

"Let me go, Portgas!!" He yelled as the man shake his finger

"Nope" He said with a smug grin which make the Marine's rage grew

"Not until I torture you that is" The Portgas said as the Marine glared

There's nothing that can scare him, not even torturing, he's not a Marine for nothing.

That is until he noticed that his feet was bare, his eyes widened


"Now, let me ask you, Marine." Ace said in his steel serious take no shit voice as he came closer, left the door opened as they light shone

"...who was that girl that's with you all the time?" He asked his eyes darkening as Smoker's eyes crossed


"I- I asked you again! Who was that girl who's with you all the time?" Ace's cheeks grew red as his forehead as he crossed his arms to his chest

"What are you- don't you dare hurt her, Portgas!" Smoker got alarmed as Ace heart cracked

'Don't you dare hurt her'


Ace stood his ground as he glowered at the Marine

"What does she mean to you, huh? Marine?" His voice also lowered as Smoker gritted his teeth

"She's my subordinate! And I won't let anybody hurt my underling especially when they're wretched pirates like you!" Smoker hissed as Ace blinked


His cheeks slowly blushed as he hummed slowly getting down on his knees, a smirk was placed on his lips

"Oh~ you won't let me 'a wretched pirate' hurt them huh...then let me tell you something..." He leaned closer as Smoker tried to get away moving his head away

"You see this wanted poster here?" Ace said as he motioned his head on a nearby poster

Smoker then saw the poster of one and only Monkey D. Luffy and Roronoa Zoro.

"One of them is my younger brother, that you've been pursuing, isn't that right?"

Smoker snapped as he turned his head on Ace's

"Damn right that brat has got me into a lot of troubles! No wonder he's your brother! You guys are the same!"

Ace tilted his head at this as he smirk

"Oh, how identical is he to me?"

"Your Black Hair! You always get into troubles! You guys are pirates that it seems destiny had stored for me to capture! You-"

More and more words flow from the Marine's mouth as Ace smirked further

Until Smoker bursted out laughing, his cheeks glowing red "oi- oi- stop tha- Ahahaha!"

Ace chuckled also at the reaction the Marine was showing


"You like saying my name a lot,huh?" Ace teased as Smoker stopped laughing but still blush still displayed over his cheeks

"S-shut it, Pirate! Ahah- I said stop it!" He wiggled as Ace still tickling his feet giggled

"Oh, but I like it much better when you say my name instead of 'pirate'" he teased again as the tortured Marine gasped for air as his heart was beating so fast as he stared in the Portgas' orbs


The marine's words got engulfed as Ace pressed his mouth on his own

His eyes widened as his cheeks glow red

Ace closed his eyes as his lips lingered in Smoker's own lips.

He drew back as he also gasped for air smiling at the Smoke user's expression

"You taste like cigarettes" Ace said as the Marine snapped from his daze already breaking into a long embarrassed speech

"W-what was that you bastard?! H-how could you- you- you-" His 'speech' turned into a stuttering as Ace let out a chuckle muttering how cute the man before him


Again his words cut off with another kiss as Ace held his nape as the kiss deepened the more Smoker squirm

"Sorry" Ace drew back as his eyes was lidded "can't help it"

Smoker immediately turned red as his ears puffed out smokes "you-"

Another peck on the lips




And another


"Be mine, Smoker!" Ace said, well more like a demand as the Marine's blood all went into his face as he almost passed out

"What are you-"

Ace placed another kiss as the Marine lost it, slumping, almost turning into slime as he processed just what happened

Ace chuckled at the his state as he stand up smirking while licking his lips and immediately bites it

"I'll be back with food, wait here"

"O-oi- you- you'll regret this" The Marine groaned as his head was spinning from all what happened making Ace chuckled again

"What ever you say, my little Tsundere..." He said as he grab the door almost stepping out but before that he look back "oh and by the way, your hands are free now" He said winking as he closed the door leaving the Marine in darkness as his face was still blushing tomato

'as if I'll leave after you've done that, Portgas'

Meanwhile Ace walked into the kitchen as he lay his hand on my chest where his heart was beating so fast,

'heh, looks like I got jeal- no I was not jealous,I was just...nothing really...'

His face bloomed red as he covered it squealing quietly 'Ah! I kissed him! Not once! But many times!'

He squealed again as he turned into a jelly, swinging side to side smoothly

As the cook stared at the freckles man in confusion

Oh my, oh my, what did I just...

That was too much kissing I know 😂

Also thank you for requesting 🥰

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