Five days of isolation (Part 4).

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Thob POV:
I woke up after having a severe nightmare of me always staying like this.
I was anxious again. And I only don't skip classes because the phone is the only way of contact approved in this punishment.
But, I was wandering...
How they discovered that I have fear of being alone?
But, now Its time to do history class.

So, After walking a long hallway, I finally got to be in history class.
I looked at the cellphone, and the teacher actually told me what I had to do.

Special Guest: Hi. I want you to search about the history of France.

Thob: Alright.

So, everything that I did was to write about the history of France after searching, I sent the photo to Special Guest.

Special Guest: It's alright. Now you can leave.

Thob: Ok..

So, I ran away crying, and I started to binge eat again, I ate 4 sandwiches, drank 2 colas, and ate 4 pieces of cake and I decided to go to to sleep(or, atleast, try to sleep).
I had crying crisis everyday, after, a anxiety crisis

They ruined me. I will never be what I was before.. THEY WILL RUIN ME MORE...
They are the worst. Fuck you Crystalline, FUCK YOU.

(One day left).

A Comforting feeling... (Fool bear x Clown Bear) Bear AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now