♡The game♡

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the game starts with Osamu jump serving then Atsumu sets to Suna then he does a kill you where shocked you and Suna make eye contact and you give him a  thumbs up and smile you took a picture and posted it on your story whats his snap you ask on your story you watched them spike against karasuno then you see Hinata jump and do a weird quick (wow) you thought to yourself the glasses is really good at reading people and blocking honestly you think they are cute. Tsuki looked pissed when Suna spiked and he couldn't block it fast enough. everyone was sweating then this boy from Hinata and Tsuki's team he has long brown hair in a man bun he is very strong you thought you watch as a blad man from Tsuki's team serves (he ain't bad you thought) then all of a sudden three people on karasuno are moving at the same time you were so confused then they all jumped at the same time. (Who is the Kageyama going to set to Tsuki, man bun, brown-haired dude who?) Tsuki went for it but (h-he MISSED what how I totally thought he had it) Kageyama set to Tsuki again and he got it I thought the people on Atsumu team were going to get it but they didn't. the game went on for a long time

just then karasuno got the winning point I still cheered even tho some of my friends are on the other team I smiled at Tsuki and gave him a thumbs up for a good job  after they got all cleaned up I headed to the gym to congratulate them and also tell Atsumu and Osamu it is ok that they lost they can get it next time I got to the gym and Hinata ran up to me 

"Good job Hinata!" I said as we both hugged each other 

"thank you so much y-n." Hinata smiled and went to Atsumu to make sure the game didn't get involved in their friendship.

I looked at Tsuki and went up to him and gave him a thumbs up "good work out there nice blocking," you try to do the blocking movement he did 

"Thanks, ig." you saw Atsumu and ran up to him 

"Are you ok? ik you didn't win but you still did an awesome job." you smile

"thank you y-n." both Atsumu and Osamu said we all had a group hug and you went up to that other guy with who you made eye contact with

"hey suna right?"

"yes your y-n right?" mocking you

"yes I am y-n you did really good I loved your spike you said trying to imitate him doing it thank you he says. before you guys can talk anymore your phone rings 

"sorry i have to take this."

"ok." he says as he turns away you answer the phone 


Auntie;"i don't want you walking home this late can you take the bus or ask one of your friends."

"ok auntie i will ask her."

Auntie;"ok thank you see you soon."

"see ya."

you get off the phone (damn I don't have a ride maybe I can ask atsumu or yachi) who are you looking for asked Tsuki and Suna 

"well ik I met you guys today but i need a ride home any chance one of you can give me a ride."

Tsuki; w"well I would but I have to go to my sister to help her out."

"oh ok um what about you Suna I am sorry this is embarrassing."

Suna; "as long as I let my mom know she probably won't mind being ready by 7:00."

"thank you sm I am sorry again to be asking you this."

"np, this can't just be a regular thing mk."

"ok, I am going to go get people snap and be back by 7:00."

"ok meet me at the entrance."

k I say ass I walk around getting people ik snaps the hardest person to get their snaps were sakusa, Kageyama, and Tsuki but they gave in after I got their Snapchat I quickly met Suna at the entrance of the school.

" you ready to go?" he asked

"yep all set."  he walked you to the car and opened the door for you, you thanked him once you got in the car and put your seatbelt on. 

"do you want any music on?" he asked "sure" 

he put on Chase Atlantic Friends 

"is this fine?"

"yep, oh yeah you don't even know where I live I live ************."



"How was your day? also can i smoke in the car."

"it's your car don't ask me and it was pretty good I saw a hell of a volleyball game hbu?"

"oh my day was fine other than we lost the match." he took his blue raspberry vape and put it in his mouth and took a big hit.

"you guys were still good."

"where here." he pulled up to my aunt's house "is this the right one?"

"yes it is thank you." you give him a side hug "i will talk to you later you wave bye as he pulls away from the house.

Your cousin looks at you "ooooo who is that y-n" 

"my friend he dropped me off."

"mhm frienddd." they teased you about it you walked inside 

Auntie; "who took you home?"

"this boy named Suna who is on the volleyball team."

Auntie; "oooo do you like himmm"

c-n look what you did you slapped your forehead, what's for dinner you asked

Auntie; "french toast with eggs and bacon." 

  '''''''''''''''''''''''♡♡♡After dinner♡♡♡'''''''''''''''''''''''''

After you clean your plate you head upstairs. turns out yachi made a gc of volleyball boys and managers and you.

( eh I will text the group chat tmw) you go into the shower and put your hair in two french braids and put on your facial cream and put on pj's and lay in bed you turn on your mini speaker and turn on your playlist and fall asleep.


sorry for mistakes in grammer etc 

Have a wonderful day y-n

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