♡The car♡

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After you quickly ran away from Suna in math you walked away but he found you trying to hide by the bathrooms.

"y-n what the fuck are you doing." he chuckled 

"um not wanting to go to science is what, why?" you asked confused why he is here 

"well why skip leaving campus till lunch." he chuckled again. You still confused 

"hey do you want to go to my car to skip?" you didn't want to get caught so you accepted his offer. He walked you to his car he opened the passenger seat to his car to let you in. You got in as he got in the driver's seat he started his car.

"Why are you starting your car?" asked because he only said you guys were going to sit in the car so you guys didn't get caught skipping.

"To put on music idiot I wouldn't kidnap you." Well I hope not you said joking he Bluetooth his phone to the car and played Arctic Monkeys 505.

"You like this song!" You asked surprised because this is one of your favorite songs.

"Yeah, why do you like this song?" 

"Duh, why would I ask if I didn't like it you said." You started singing the lyrics as you look over to see Suna take his vape out of his car door.

"You want a hit?" he asked curious to see what you would say.

"Sure." you say as you take a big hit from the midnight vape. His eye wide open surprised you can take that big of a hit.

"Don't you have friends that skip with you?" 

"Nah most of them are too goodie-goodie to skip." You laughed as his response

"How?" you say confused

" I don't know don't want to get in trouble ig my parents are out of town tho so I don't care."

"Oh ok," you say as your phone started ringing 

"Hello?" you answered the phone it was your cousin.

"y-n where the hell are you?!" they said in a worried\mad tone.

"Um with a friend, why?" you said not wanting to admit who it is.

"It is almost lunchtime, did you skip again?" she said annoyed 

"Ok, I will be out soon, and umm maybe."

"y-n l-n."

"Calm down, I am fine I didn't leave campus."

"Mk. they said as they hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Suna asked 

"Umm, my cousin," I responded

"Oh ok, you can leave if you want I am going to take a couple more hits off my vape then go to lunch," he said as he took a hit. You wanted to ask for another hit.

"Umm, I know this is weird to ask but can I have another hit?"

"Sure. he said handing you his vape. You took another big hit as he watched again still surprised that you can take that big of a hit. You handed it back to him and he took another hit. 

"I think I should go," you said as the silence filled the room (car). 

"if you want," he said as he turned to his phone and turned off the music. A part of you didn't want to leave. You gave him a side hug he didn't hug you back he was surprised. You opened the passenger door and walked back into the school it was already lunchtime. Not so long after Suna followed. You walked in the lunch room and people stared you got annoyed fast you wanted to ask why everyone was staring at you, but you hear a voice.

"what tf are you guys looking at?" you turn around and it was Suna. Everyone looked away and kept talking. Your cousin ran to you and pulled you to the side leaving Suna confused. 

"What did you guys do?" they said smirking 

"W-What nothing we would never!!" you said embarrassed hiding your face.

"Wow y-n you like him," they said still smirking. 

"I do not it is just embarrassing that's all." you walked away to sit with Atsumu and ofc Suna was there they were also talking about what they thought you guys were doing etc. 

Kuroo; "what were you too doing?" kuroo said with a smirk.

"yeah." Astumu says in a mad tone

"Woah woah woah, Astumu don't get pissed i didn't steal your girl." Suna said chuckleing. You walked up right after he said that.

"Your girl?" you said in a confused way, they all stare at you.

"You heard that?" Tsuki said laughing afterwards kuroo,Suna, and Astumu send him a glare.

"What mad I exposed you guys." he laughed again. 

"they shouldn't be to mad." you stat down by Tsuki. "By the way guys i ain't any of your and expectly not Suna's and we didn't do anything, all we did was take hits of his vape." you explained to them.

"Where were you guys then mm?" asked bokuto

"in his car." kageyama rolled his eyes 

" And you didn't do anything hard to believe." kageyama said with a sassy tone in his voice.

"I wouldn't do anything like that with her"

"I wouldn't do anything like that with him" you guys both said at the same time. your phone viberated. You took it out of your pocket and saw it was Suna.


(Sorry i haven't posted in awhile i haven't been doing good so i stoped for a while.)

have a wonderful day


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