1.First Day Of College.

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[tw, mention of eating a worm]

{Rose's POV}
'Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep..' the alarm has been going off for two minutes and I'm slowly getting annoyed, without opening my eyes I try to find the stupid alarm clock to press the snooze button on it but it took a few attempts before I finally pressed it, continuing to sleep but the sound of my roommate's voice took the place for my alarm clock "Rose, wake up and have breakfast before we go to our classes!" she shouted. Then I remembered, that I am going to college now and it was my first day, I jumped out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to get ready, I was so excited because I'm planning to be either a doctor or a chemist so I have better have the best grades in every class! Then when I was done getting ready and thinking to myself, I went to put my favorite outfit on for the day before I went to sit at the table and have breakfast with my roommate, Lucy, "Good morning, Lucy!"
{Lucy's POV}
I woke up early because today was the first day of college and I went to make breakfast for me and my roommate Rose, her alarm clock as been beeping for the past two whole minutes, I was about to go to her room and hit her with the frying pan but luckily she turned it off but she still had to wake up so I shouted "Rose, wake up and have breakfast before we go to our classes!" then a few minutes later I heard footsteps then a door slam, yep she got up and went to get ready, finally got her sleepy butt up from the bed and made her get ready for today. Once I put the breakfast on the table and sat at the table, I waited for the sleepy head. I was about to start eating because I was getting hungry but Rose came and sat at the table. "Good morning, Lucy!" she greeted, cheerfully. "Good morning, sleepy head." I chuckled, smiling then we had breakfast, I finished and put the dishes in the sink before I went to get ready. Then she and Rose went out the door after they got their bags and then went to the front of the college.
{Harosan's POV}
I woke up after I snoozed my phone alarm, he looked at the calendar and saw the circled day that was today. I got up from my bed to go to the kitchen to make food "Hmm, the first day at college, nothing interesting will happen like every school year.." he yawned, sitting down to eat the breakfast before he got up, put the dishes in the sink and went to get washed up then went to get ready. He pets his little toy plush of a cat before he grabbed his bag and left out the door to go to the front of the college.
{3rd person POV}
Everyone was waiting at the front of the college, some were a few minutes early so they were either having breakfast they bought or made themselves, somewhere chatting and making new friends or who are already friends, and some were on their tablets, phones, and laptops. Rose and Lucy were talking about classes they'll have, and both were super happy because they go to the same classes. "Eeeckk I'm so happy that we are in the same classes!" Rose squealed excited "Saaame, I wonder who and how our classmates are." Lucy said, thinking of the new people they'll be studying with. "oh I'm sure they will be normal, hopefully, more normal than the ones I had in my last years of high school, they were and are unbelievably annoying." Rose responded, shaking her head at the thought of remembering her high school classmates. But soon the Beel rang, it was the first bell ring so the students know that they have to get in and get ready for the first period but since it was the first day, they will just go to their first-period classroom and wait for their professors as for Harosan, he was going class and went to his first period, he sat mostly away from other students since he doesn't quite feel ready to start to make friends, he would focus on studies and classes first. For the first few hours, the professors introduced themselves to their students and they did to the professors, they started off with playing an ice break about each other like 2 truths and 1 lie. Each one told a lie and 2 truths and the rest of the class voted on what is a lie so when it was Lucy's turn, she said this "I once accidentally ate a worm, mistaking it for a noodle, I hate kittens and cats or I hate my boyfriend." they started to vote, most of them voted the worm thing being a lie and few voted on hating her boyfriend is a lie (come on, who would hate kittens?-) "Well, the worm one is a lie" she smiled as they talked a bit then it was Rose's turn "I have a tattoo on my side, I'm single as a pringle or I love the color green" she said then the vote started, most voted on the green color being the lie, few voted on the tattoo being a lie and the rest voted on her being single as a pringle "Well, the tattoo is a lie" she giggled, they continued with the others. Meanwhile, with Harosan, they also played the ice breaker 1 lie and 2 truths, when it was his turn, he kinda hesitated but he got some ideas "I have a girlfriend, I'm not an extrovert or I love my family" he said after a little then they started to vote, most voted the girlfriend being a lie and small amount voted the not being an extrovert a lie. "The girlfriend is a lie," he said after they finished, they continued with the rest then when the classes were over, everyone went back to their dorms. The two girls were walking to their lockers and talking "Hey, have you seen the guy in class 6F?" Lucy asked as Rose looked at her "Which guy?" she asked then Lucy described the guy "Well the guy that came with a light blue-ish jacket, dark grey shirt, and grey trousers, he has dark turquoise hair and blue eyes. I saw him walking past not far before the bell rang outside, he actually looks very handsome" Lucy said, smiling as Rose tried to remember if she saw that guy somewhere and didn't notice where she was walking so (like classic every story with two couples-) she bumped into someone, looking at them "Oh I'm so sorry!" Harosan looked up at her "N-no no, it's fine." he smiled at her, quickly walking off as Rose watched him walk away, blinking "That's him!" Lucy whispered to her, smiling as Rose smiled "Ooh he is really handsome!" they both giggled and continued to walk, going to their dorms.
{Rose's POV}
I sat at the table while Lucy went to take a quick shower, I looked at the cup of tea, thinking about the new guy, he did look really handsome and even cute when he smiled, I smiled when I thought of that beautiful smile. "I might try to know him more, maybe I should talk to him before classes start tomorrow." I thought, nodding at the plan for tomorrow as I took a sip of the tea, relaxing.

~to be continued... ~

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